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HomeLatest NewsLa Txantrea, the neighborhood of Pamplona that complains the most about the...

La Txantrea, the neighborhood of Pamplona that complains the most about the state of its parks, trees and streets

How many times while walking down the street Pamplona Have you come across a fallen branch, a broken curb, a raised manhole cover or a damaged park bench? And how many times have you called the City Hall to report it and have it repaired?

Well, more and more people are doing it. The Complaints and Suggestions Commission of the Pamplona City Council, held this Thursday, announced that during the second quarter of the year, between the months of April and June, citizens registered 2,697 reviews, complaints and suggestions.

More than 61% of these opinions, complaints and suggestions concerned aspects of urban conservation, like the cleaninghe woodedthe areas or the maintenance of public space.

More precisely, the trees and the state of parks and gardens This is what receives the most opinions, with 609. Far behind, with almost 20% of opinions, are public safety skills such as trafficTHE blue zone or the parking lots. The inquiries represent 549 opinions.

And where is the city council most often called upon to file complaints or claims? Well, by district, the Chantrée takes first place with 299 ads recorded by the 293 of Rocky. There are also more than 200 opinions, complaints and suggestions sent to the neighborhoods of the Second Ensanche (217), Iturrama (214) and Saint John (207). He Old town It remains close, with 197 reviews.

The report for this second quarter of the year also reflects a constant in the way citizens choose to communicate their opinions, complaints and suggestions. Phone 010 – 948 420 100 remains the preferred number in 71.28% of cases. 28.72% choose to fill out the online form via the City Council Website.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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