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HomeLatest NewsLakers to create Barcode, a drink that improves physical resistance and was...

Lakers to create Barcode, a drink that improves physical resistance and was presented in Navarra

He the future of food demands the development of healthier products and adapted to the nutritional needs of each group, without neglecting the search for new alternative protein sources.

These are some of the conclusions of the latest edition of the FoodTech Opportunity Scenario Map (May-August 2024), prepared by the CNTA (National Center for Technology and Food Safety) and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAP). In this edition. Some companies have chosen to present functional hydration solutions, which

In this new edition, we have detected 29 FoodTech opportunity scenariosamong which those related to well-being stand out: the demand for foods that not only nourish, but also have positive effects on health, is at the center of technological innovation.

One of the new features of this new edition is that the macro-scenario of A healthy diet gives surprise to the macro-scenario Sustainability and positions itself as an area of ​​strategic opportunity for businesses. News related to sustainability, such as upcycling or carbon neutrality, continues to be at the center of the news. But on this occasion, and for the first time, those related to health were more numerous.

When it comes to health, companies continue to present different proposals in food either functional drink. Thus, in this edition, some companies have opted for concept of functional hydration: The drinks are formulated to maximize their hydrating effect, adding ingredients such as electrolytes and, in addition, new ingredients are explored which, when included, have positive health effects.

An example of this is barcodea drink created by the former Lakers and Knicks performance director, which includes magnesium, ashwagandha and vitamins B and D3, key ingredients for recovery and physical resistance; or solutions such as soft drinks good idea either A1C drinkswhat they promise help manage blood sugar.

Animal food, a testing ground

In this first half of 2024, development is gaining ground suggestions adapted to pets. As part of this trend, we have seen how several startups dedicated to the development of alternative proteins They began to explore the animal feed route to market. For example, in the United Kingdom, Starchy foods you can now sell your feed with cultured chicken meatwhich marks the first approval in Europe for this type of protein and the world’s first for pet food. The product is expected to be launched into the market later this year.

Other examples include meat made from mouse cells Biocraft, the collaboration between Bond Pet Food and Wilbur-Ellis Nutrition to create non-animal ingredients and the air-based protein developed by Calystespecialist in animal nutrition.

Alternative proteins continue their progress towards the market

Alternative proteins continue to attract attention and in this edition they present the greatest number of analyzed news items, in which they talk about the commitment of investors to those made from precision fermentation in Europeinnovative launches and new approvals. An example is that of Impossible foodswhich succeeded in getting EFSA to consider its heme (soy leghemoglobin), responsible for the meat color and flavor of your Impossible Burger.

In air protein, Solar foods got the GRAS Status for your proteins Solein, one more step towards its arrival on the market in the United States; something that has already been achieved in Singapore by the Japanese Ajinomoto Groupwith whom they launched an ice cream sandwich and a Mooncake. In parallel, Gourmand became the first company to seek regulatory approval in the European Union for its cellular fatty liver.

What is the CNTA FoodTech Opportunity Scenario Map?

He Opportunity Scenario Map Food technology This is an analysis updated every 4 months and carried out from CNTA Avant-garde Teamwhich is prepared based on daily monitoring and curating of information from over 100 national and international sources.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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