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HomeLatest NewsLambán breaks PSOE voting discipline in the Senate and does not vote...

Lambán breaks PSOE voting discipline in the Senate and does not vote against PP’s initiative to reject Catalan quota

The leader of the Socialists of Aragon, Javier Lambán, has decided not to participate in the Senate vote on a PP initiative to paralyze the economic agreement for Catalonia, unlike the rest of the Socialist senators who voted against this motion. The “baron” of the PSOE has already broken the voting discipline of the amnesty law during its passage through the Upper House, which led to the opening of a disciplinary file in May.

Lambán, who was very critical of the fiscal agreement adopted with the ERC to obtain the investiture of Salvador Illa, voted electronically on all the initiatives that were debated and voted on this Tuesday in the Senate. However, in the PP initiative that sought to paralyze the Catalan quota, they decided not to vote, although the rest of the socialist senators voted against.

And the former president of Aragon was one of the territorial leaders of the PSOE who were most critical of the agreement between the PSC and the ERC for Catalonia to leave the common financing regime and start collecting one hundred percent of taxes.

In fact, he was one of the two “barons”, along with Emiliano García-Page, who explicitly criticized the economic agreement for Catalonia within the PSOE Federal Committee a few weeks ago, which even provoked an internal debate with mutual reproaches.

This breach of electoral discipline, which could lead to the opening of a new file and a new fine of up to 600 euros, comes precisely in the midst of an internal crisis in the PSOE of Aragon, which must decide whether it is capable of accepting the orderly succession of the current secretary general, Javier Lambán himself, or is heading towards the abyss of a rupture.

Lambán was very critical of this agreement from the beginning and this was reflected in the regional executive in August: the Aragonese became the first – and only for now – federation to explicitly reject the content of the Catalan pact. It did so unanimously, but because the representatives of the Upper Aragon federation chose to abstain from the vote.

The secretary general of the Aragonese PSOE, who went so far as to describe the economic agreement for Catalonia as “unconstitutional”, already decided a few months ago to break electoral discipline with the amnesty law, when he was the only socialist to reject it. norm during his passage through the Senate.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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