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Lambán negotiates with Azcón a common position of the PSOE and the PP in Aragon against the Catalan concert

The Popular Party and the PSOE of Aragon are negotiating a common position on regional financing. Specifically, a Review of the agreement signed in January 2022to treat “a new element which skip the bank“never said better”, in the words of the PP leadership in the region: the Catalan concert.

This pact was signed two and a half years ago when the socialists governed the region. Thus, although the popular party guessed that they would soon come to power, they agreed to negotiate a document that would join forces with the PSOE.

Today, the PP of the regional government warns that “everything has changed” with the Catalan quotabecause “It’s not a threat to distribution, but to the cake”.

The Cortes of Aragon approved this joint declaration just after the publication of the so-called Santiago Declaration, which brought together the eight least populated and wealthiest Autonomous Communities in November 2021… at the call of Alberto Nuñez Feijoothen president of Galicia.

And the initiative of this regional executive of the PSOE to transform itself into common problem Of all the Aragonese representatives, all the parties voted for it, from Chunta to PP, from Podemos to Ciudadanos… everyone except Vox.

And that Jorge Azcon He supported then, when he was already president of the PP of Aragon, but only Mayor of Zaragoza, who Javier Lamban he had just enough confidence, “because politics is a fact, and he says a lot of things, but in the end he governs and votes as he dictates.” Pedro Sanchez“.

Despite this, the then extra-parliamentary opposition leader negotiated and signed the important agreement with the socialist baron, which established a common position on regional financing.

Today, Azcón demands the same from Lambán: “If they say they are going to defending Spain against constitutional change through the back door of privileged financing of Catalonia,” he shouted last Tuesday in reference to the capricious barons of the PSOE, “let them do it and move from words to actions.”

In fact, Lambán has already done so.

This was confirmed by this newspaper in socialist and popular sources of Aragon. The former Aragonese president of the PSOE is already negotiating with the PP a new pact “in which the The new challenge of the Sánchez-ERC pact“.

The Aragonese popular and socialists agree that the so-called Catalan concert “introduces new problems, which are constitutional principlesmuch more important than the simple debate on distribution criteria“.

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Last week, Azcón and Lambán had the opportunity to speak to the national media in Madrid about the shock that the “unique financing” granted to Catalonia, but still unexplained by the PSOE, is giving to the single regional financing fundLast Tuesday, the popular president at an informative breakfast, and this Saturday the former socialist president, at the doors of the PSOE headquarters.

And the positions of the two coincide from A to ZLambán, a critical baron of the PSOE, and in the last months of his presidency before the regional congress – for which he is preparing a continuous candidacy to confront that of Ferraz – warns of a “anti-constitutionality book” in the agreement. Azcón had said the same thing four days before.

The popular warned that day that, “calling a spade a spade”, the PSC’s agreement with the ERC “It is not a quota, it is a privilege that harms others in Sánchez’s service”.

In other words, the Aragonese socialist leader expressed the same concern this Saturday: “No government in the world can accept losing fiscal control of 28% of its GDP… if Madrid asks for it, we will surely have to take the boat and we all go to Mauritania“.

Azcón once said that state reforms had to be agreed between the two main parties… or not at all. And when Ferraz left, Lambán left a placard explaining why he wants his final legacy at the head of the Aragonese PSOE to be this agreement: “I defend the federalism of the Declaration of Granada”, a document approved by the PSOE barons in the summer of 2013.

“But when Alfred [Pérez Rubalcaba, entonces líder del PSOE] He returned to Madrid with the document, the first thing he did was deliver it to Mariano Rajoy,” Lambán explained. “Because this bet required constitutional reform, and These things must be agreed with the Popular Party.…and I know that the president of the government at the time saw it clearly, it’s just that there was no atmosphere in his party at that time.”




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