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Lamborghini Socialism

HAS Sanchez He loves Lamborghinis, like everyone who has economic capacity to buy a high-end car. He loves them lambs (that’s what today’s stupid YouTubers call it) like good food, spending the summer in Andorra or on a remote island, and also taking a nap anywhere with other people’s money. Sánchez likes everything that any average Spaniard would like, enjoying life and worrying about spending the money he earns making sure that nothing is lacking at home for his family. But Sánchez is a socialist and this vital principle of comfort explodes when the emotional components that define the ideology come into play: envy, resentment and hatred. When this happens, what every socialist claims to enjoy, that is, the joys that capitalism offers him, is a special privilege, and here class hatred and dirty envy take over, systemic moods in every left-handed mind that push them to prohibit. this luxury, this comfort and this vital happiness are not enjoyed by others.

Autocrats base their power on their supporters’ perception that they are, in fact, liberators from oppressionusually non-existent and invented. And to do this, they entangle their history with rhetorical curtains of progress, advancement, protection, freedom and democracy while they execute plans to limit everything they promise. Thus, this new dialectical and argumentative attack of the most authoritarian government of democracy, with the most autocratic president in our historyagainst the rich and those who own Lamborghinis, is due to his centuries-old path to control the lives of others.

It is the same story, with the same arguments, that has been built in Venezuela. The problem of poverty is the rich. If there are poor people, it is not because of socialism that intervenes in everything, nor because of the taxes that the left-wing government stifles the productive population, but because of the rich. (minority where there is one)which are not favorable. And under this pretext, they get permission to continue stealing from the middle class. Official data years ago They deny the official discourse of Sanchism political and media. Every day in Spain there are more and more poor families, without resources, with their children at home because they cannot access housing thanks to the laws created by the socialist government. People who cannot make ends meet and who depend more and more on the State. Socialism, of power, is a machine of impoverish pockets and mindsto establish clientelist networks that cannot be canceled, because they serve those who come to maintain the endogamous quota. But that is how autocracies work. The little dictator needs history rich vs poor to stay in power.

In fact, the number of Lamborghini owners in Spain does not reach fifty, but the government of propaganda and payment in kind wants to attack them. That’s the smokescreen. Because the reality is this: the rich, under socialism, not only they have not lost purchasing power and heritage, but they have considerably increased their wealth, both with González, Zapatero and especially, with Sánchez. What then is the reason for the harassed and boring speech of left caviar against the rich? Because they need their existence to justify the hatred and resentment of the plundered and the poor towards someone. Half of Spain that does not adhere to this fallacious argument knows that the government and the State are responsible for emptying their pockets. The other half buys it, and that is enough for the trench to continue to function fully, for the gap between rich and poor to grow, the latter increasing in number and the former increasing their assets, in to the detriment of those who maintain a countrythe middle class, which will flee into exile or become the new poor class dependent on the state. Thus, socialism will maintain its hegemony based on salaries, subsidies, aid and balancesremaining in the chair until he wanted, becoming a democratic regime, the PSOE in Andalusia, or autocratic, the PSOE of Sánchez.

Apologies from Sanchez Against those who have money, I do not think that this refers to all the progress of their government and to those who declare in tax havens, live in luxury chalets or modern penthouses and have their lives in hand. It is the discursive mask that serves to confuse the debate, to divert it from opinion forums and editorials so that the citizens who produce, and especially those who receive, do not realize that, thanks to the tax donation made to Catalonia, the rest of Spain, we will pay a thirty percent more personal income taxIn other words, so that no one talks about Sánchez’s new favor towards the rich, the president is attacking the rich.

And he does it with arguments typical of an ignorant sociopath, an unprecedented autocrat, a modern liberticide. Accusing people who have money, or who generate it, of buying Lamborghinis and that, therefore, they will dedicate themselves to expropriating it to protect the middle class, is the first step of absolute socialism. The middle class does not need to be protected by the State, but rather to grow in an ecosystem conducive to its development and investment, concepts that the current Bolivarian sanchismo restricts. The average Spaniard lives worse today than when Sánchez arrived, with the highest unemployment rate in Europe and with a central administration that persecutes initiative and commercial activity. If businessmen leave (they are already leaving), the Spaniards will become poorer. And the gap between rich and poor will widen, a perfect scene for the socialist dictatorship. The problem in Spain is not the rich, nor the far right, nor Lamborghinis. It is believing that socialism will get you out of poverty when it depends on your participation.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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