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Laporta’s levers

Laporta is the king of levers and, without wanting to offend you, also of lies. Sporting lies are understandable. On a personal level, according to his entourage, he is very kind, close and a great person. My criticisms therefore only concern the sporting and institutional management of the club that he currently presides over. He had the happy levers and the million dollar signings for three years that, for a series of financial reasons, They are almost never truly reflected. and they only serve to listen to gossip in the media and youtubers very close to the club that, in summer, entertains and excites the members and supporters of the club. This is how things are at Can Barça, although hope is high.

As long as this man has the applause of service to applaud him or mock him, he will have no problem being able to continue in the position he currently holds: president of the Barcelona Football Club, a team considered by the majority of Catalans, culés or not, “more than a club”, when on many occasions, especially this year, institutionally, it borders on the most grotesque of ridicule. Fewer wolves, Little Red Riding Hood. Years ago, in the stellar and golden era of Guardiola, Busquets, Messi, Iniesta, Xavi etc. It was considered, without a doubt, the best team in the world, but today, thanks to the genius of almost all of its managers, With Laporta in charge, it has become a vulgar and unrecognizable team. Members, if they really appreciate and value the club they love, should look for different alternatives with people of different nature. There are some.

About three years ago, at the time of the club elections, Mr Laporta’s photo was hung on a giant 50-metre-long banner on a building in Madrid and near the Santiago Bernabéu stadium, with the motto I’m looking forward to seeing you again. In advertising, anything goes and above all the end justifies the means since, in this case, the banner greatly helped the president to finally be elected. Then, He hugged a mannequin with the supposed face of Messi, kissed it and said: “Hello Leo, how are you?” “I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse, good luck.”. Said and done, or so it seems, however, the proposal did not come and the best player in the world a few days after said scene signed for Paris Saint-Germain. Many do not arrive and others leave, that’s life.

Recently and because his team was leading the Spanish League, otherwise it is assumed he would not have appeared yet, he gave a press conference with his like-minded journalists (all the questions were gentle, pleasant, accommodating, because none of them put him on the ropes) saying all sorts of nonsense, for example: When asked about Nico Williams, he said he never talks about players from another team. Take it now! This answer is by far the best of the entire summer.. For two months, the only thing that was talked about at Can Barça was the Athletic player, giving all kinds of explanations and announcing with great fanfare that the player was practically already signed. In addition, in this interview, he added that he was outraged at Real Madrid for their interference and appearance in the Negreira case. Oh my God! Seventeen years paying the vice-president of referees and for this man everything is logical, normal and reasonable. The merengue team has no right to feel wronged. Let’s imagine for a moment that Negreira’s pagan had been the white team. What would have been the reaction of all the Catalan media? No comment.

He further stated that Daniel Olmo He was the first option to sign, although we all know what option it was and how they placed him to be able to play in Vallecas and, above all, with the approval of Javier Tebaspresident of La Liga and who also dances to the same rhythm as Mr. Laporta. What a couple. And more: ways to fire Xavinow I leave, now I stay, now you stay and now we say goodbye; Nike case, still on the waiting list; 1:1 rule, we are also waiting; the levers of Barça Studios, Libero, Barça Visión, here everyone is out of the game, nobody knows anything; Subject Gündogan, better not to speak, another one who left; Leao’s signing was expected in Barcelona and he remained in Italy. Why continue, it is not worth wasting any more time, because this topic takes ten pages to write and you still fail like bonsai.

As long as this man has tap shoes that applaud him, he is laughed at and thanked. and all questions be kind or prepared, It will be like El Cid Campeador, who won the battle of Cuarte after his death.. If all this seems good to the majority of Barça members, then go ahead and bluff, as far as I’m concerned, I don’t care, he can stay in the job for another ten years. What matters to me, and a lot, is the image that we give from the outside around the Negreira case. Notice to sailors: In Italy, the Culé team would already be relegated and would therefore play in the Second Division.but in Spain, between the interests of La Liga so that this does not happen, the lack of will of the referees to clarify the matter and the Spanish laws that are in force, this series will last a long time and what I will be with you, brunette. That’s what it is!


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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