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HomeLatest NewsLaura Galera confesses her interest in a colleague from "Big Brother"

Laura Galera confesses her interest in a colleague from “Big Brother”

He Thursday September 12 marks the first week of coexistence in the “Big Brother” house, an edition that returned full of emotions and controversies under the direction of Jorge Javier Vázquez. The candidates have already begun to show their true personality and as expected the first tensions and confessions were not long in coming. During the last gala The names of the first two evicted contestants have been revealed, which has added even more nervousness among the participants. Among the nominees, Laura Galera stands out, who has been in the eye of the storm since she entered the house. But, What are this young woman’s interests?

The daughter of Maria José Galera, one of the most famous figures of the program for having been the first evicted in the history of “Big brother”has had a particularly intense week. The weight of being the daughter of a historic candidate has not gone unnoticed and to this is added the criticism and pressure she has felt within the house from some colleagues. Despite a difficult start, Laura decided to take a step forward and make a revelation that surprised more than one person.: the identity of the candidate who caught your attention.

The first plots have already begun

During the first week of living together, as the candidates tried to adapt to their new life in Guadalix of the Sierrathe first friendships are formed and also the first conflicts. Among these relationships, Laura was very close to Edi, with whom she shared several moments in which many saw a possible attraction. However, there was talk of a conversation with Ruvens and Maité when Laura confessed that in reality it is not Edi who interests her, but rather Manu Vulcán, another of the competitors.

“I’m starting to like Manu,” Laura confessed in a low voice, but what could have been an intimate moment quickly turned into a conversation that began to generate expectations within the house. Laura also commented that she had decided to keep a certain distance from Manu so as not to complicate his stay in ‘Big Brother’.I told Manu that we had to keep our distance because I know myself.“I don’t want to end up doing wrong,” the young woman confessed. However, it seems that Manu doesn’t want to leave, since according to Laura, “he comes to hug me, he sits next to me…”.

This game of attraction between Laura and Manu began to arouse the curiosity of his colleagues, although it also caused some tensions. The young woman, who tried to focus on coexistence and avoid unnecessary conflictscould not escape the critical gaze of his colleagues, who interpreted his behavior in a very different way.

Although Laura tried to remain discreet, her proximity to the male group generated a wave of comments from some of the women in the house. Among them, Daniela was one of the most critical peopleaccusing Laura of seeking attention and “gambling with nominations” to stay in the competition.I see she needs attention“She is afraid of nominations,” Daniela commented coldly a few days ago.

Vanessa, Laura’s enemy

VanessaAnother nominee this week, also joined the criticism, suggesting that Laura seeks a relationship to protect herself in the game. “When the nominations come, she gets nervous and needs to hold on to someone,” he said. without showing any type of empathy towards his partner. These comments began to circulate not only within the house, but also in the debates around the program, triggering controversy among the followers of the reality show.

Daniela and Vanessa’s words They did not go unnoticed and sparked a wave of reactions both inside and outside the house. On the television sets, several regular contributors to “Big Brother” came to Laura’s defense, arguing that she was the victim of an unfair attack. Among these defenders are well-known faces of the program, such as Miguel Frigenti, Belen Rodriguez And Adara Molinerowho expressed their unconditional support for the young woman.

He has more and more support

Adara, who has experienced similar situations during her own participations in “Big brother”was particularly scathing in his criticism of Vanessa: “Vanessa is obsessed with Laura and has become one of the villains of this edition.” So much so Frigenti and Belén Rodríguez also supported this position.arguing that Laura is simply trying to adjust to life together and that her interactions with the other contestants should not be viewed with such malice.

One of the most emotional moments of the week wasand the intervention of María José Galerawho did not hesitate to defend her daughter with all her heart. She knows well what it is like to be at the center of criticism after her time on “GH” and was visibly affected by seeing her daughter in the spotlight. During her intervention in the debate hosted by Ion Aramendi, María José attacked Vanessa and Daniela for their harsh comments towards Laura.

“What they say is very unfair. My daughter did not enter “Big Brother” to look for a duvet. The one who wants to do this is Vanessa“, said Maria José. In tears, she expressed her indignation at the treatment her daughter was suffering and asked for respect for Laura, who is only 20 years old and is fulfilling her dream of participating in the reality show that marked her mother’s life. But, How will this story be resolved?


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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