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Law firm asks Bolaños for new office change model and warns: “There are beginning to be victims”

The General Council of the Legal Profession has approved, on the proposal of its president, Salvador González, a new organizational chart with the creation of a special commission for free justice and a new commission for social security.

The first will explore a new model of free justice. “The Administration tells us that the current model has an enormous cost, which is why we must rethink and reconfigure the system. The feeling of unfair treatment, which The remuneration received does not correspond to the effort devoted, This is becoming more and more pronounced and I said this to the Minister of Justice, Felix Bolanos“, said the president of the bar, Salvador González, during a meeting with the media this Friday.

González stressed that “the victims are beginning to be felt” among public defenders who, although they are not in significant numbers and jeopardize their benefits, are constant, which means that the current system “is eroding.”

In 2023, 40,748 on-call lawyers handled two million cases, at a cost of 341 million euros. The previous year, they were 42,198 public defenders, or 4% more. In 2019, 45,868 lawyers participated in this changeover, according to data from the Observatory of Free Justice.

Evolution of the number of lawyers dedicated to free justice, according to data from the Free Justice Observatory.

Regarding the Social Security Commission, the President of the General Council of the Legal Profession raised the problem of alternative mutualists, lawyers who They have contributed to the Mutuelle des professions juridiques up to the basic or minimum authorized amounts and do not have any supplementary savings plan, which is why they receive meager pensions.

“THE “The solution that is being considered, based on the few conversations that are underway with the government, it seems that it will not be the one that professionals demand,” González said.

The plenary session of the General Council of the Legal Profession yesterday unanimously adopted an agreement in which it demands that the State “offer those who, in the exercise of our profession, fulfil their social security obligations through mutual insurance companies, the same treatment that will be granted to them when they retire as those who do so through any other contribution scheme under the protection of social security”.

The Council expresses its “total support” for the demands of the alternative mutualists “who are only demanding for themselves what they previously demanded for others: economic sufficiency during old age that the Constitution protects and continues to protect”.

“Although the government has already acknowledged the need to address the situation to comply with this mandate, the little information provided places its proposal to solve the problem in the purely social sphere, limiting it to those who will not be able to survive without state help,” the agreement states.

The law firm reiterates “its greatest strong rejection“to this response from the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, which leads Elma Saiz“since the claim belongs to the domain of constitutional rights.”




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