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Lawyers clarify whether it is legal for your company to call you while you are on sick leave.

He the fact that your company calls you while you are on sick leave This is a topic that has moved more than one lawyer. Sick days in Spain are becoming more and more frequent. We are facing a population that is reaching a retirement age that is too high; those over 65 leave the person in an enormous vulnerability, facing illnesses and problems that we must take into account. Therefore, we must start to think that they will become more and more frequent.

In addition, many illnesses or work problems can affect us fully. That time will have come when we may be faced with the dilemma of whether or not to answer the phone at the company or simply to know if these communications are legal or not. In the event of an accident at work or a health problem occurring in the workplace, it is understandable that the company calls to inquire about the health of the person concerned. But when the illness comes from outside, that is when doubts arise and cordiality disappears. Lawyers had to clarify whether these calls were legal or not.

During your work stoppage, you may or may not communicate with your company.

Depending on the type of leave or the relationship with the companySome doubts may arise regarding communication with superiors, which may end up generating more than one problem. The reason for the leave may leave the company or the worker in a complicated situation.

We are facing a series of problems that could end up being those that mark a before and after. Facing a series of changes that are here to stay and that we may not have taken into account until now. The sickness of work has become a battle that is lost in advance.

The psychological damage of certain jobs or the health problems of a certain task are battles that must be prepared for. That is why, in the end, we want to start preparing a series of elements that will accompany us in these complicated days.

Receiving calls from the company to inquire about one’s health is common, but what is no longer normal or legal is receiving the pressure for the person to return to the company that some have these days.

Lawyers clarify whether it is legal or not

Law is created through sentences and cases that may resemble ours. They are people who have experienced the same thing and have had to face certain elements that go hand in hand and that perhaps until now we would never have imagined having before us.

Without a doubt, the time has come to start making changes that will make a significant difference. The calls we may receive from the company will end up being the ones that mark the beginning of a tense relationship that could end up in court, knowing that the company may commit illegal acts.

THE The company’s calls have no reason to exist when a person is on sick leave. He cannot work, as determined by the doctors who are the health experts he regularly consults. Communications with the company are still prohibited, but not all.

Provided that the person maintains a cordial relationship and decides to share the situation he is facing with his colleagues or his boss. Being on sick leave is never easy and even less so when we are faced with a series of changes that will end up marking this course that we are starting.

Sick days are more common after a long vacation period. Whether it is due to psychological problems, but also physical problems, after not having practiced certain activities for a long time. Ultimately, what we need is to pull ourselves together and get back to the routine.

In the event of illness or accident, they are completely unpredictable and can even keep the person away from their workplace almost indefinitely. The law stipulates that a person can be on sick leave for a year, or even a year and a half, leaving the door open for communication that can end up making a difference.

For the company but also for the worker himself, it is recommended to have conversations with third parties or even recorded, so that there is no doubt about what was said and the possible consequences that these words may have. In no case should the company put pressure on the worker to return earlier.

It is the doctor who must determine whether or not the person is ready to return to work. It will depend on your physical and psychological state whether you will be able to return to your position.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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