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HomeLebanon could get worse: experts talk about the threat to the country

Lebanon could get worse: experts talk about the threat to the country

Lebanon is on the brink of change: the growing confrontation between the Christian community and Hezbollah is described in material from the Jerusalem Center for Geopolitics and Security.

With the outbreak of the war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist group, the situation in Lebanon has deteriorated significantly, especially in relations between the Christian community and the Shiite group Hezbollah. Christian leaders condemn Hezbollah for unilaterally involving the country in the conflict with Israel, without taking into account the opinions of other political forces. This escalation occurs against the backdrop of a severe economic crisis and a political deadlock associated with Hezbollah’s obstruction of the Lebanese presidential elections.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah openly criticizes Christian politicians and religious leaders for their refusal to support military action against Israel. In response, Christian opposition forces say that most Lebanese do not support participation in the war.

There have been notable changes within the Christian political spectrum. Samir Jaajaa, leader of the Lebanese Forces party and an active opponent of Hezbollah, strengthened his position. At the same time, Gibran Bassil, leader of the Free Patriotic Movement and an ally of Hezbollah, lost support after four lawmakers left his bloc.

Amid mounting criticism, Hezbollah is attempting to manipulate demographic data. Media loyal to the group published a survey claiming that Christians make up only 15.7% of Lebanon’s population, significantly lower than the generally accepted figure of 33-35%. The move is seen as an attempt to undermine the existing political balance, although the survey’s methodology raises serious questions.

Plans to turn Lebanon into a province of Iran are not new for Hezbollah: Nasrallah announced it in 1985. After the end of the war with Israel, Hezbollah is likely to step up its efforts to change the Lebanese political landscape in its favor.

Previously, Kursor reported that Israel is threatened by several other terrorist organizations besides Hezbollah.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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