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HomeLatest NewsLeft-wing MPs leave Valencian Courts during PP's response to Vox on immigration

Left-wing MPs leave Valencian Courts during PP’s response to Vox on immigration

The Valencian left leaves the Corts during the general policy debate while a proposal by Vox on immigration is debated, the PP’s turn to respond. The PSPV and Compromís deputies left the room while the popular representative took the floor to protest against the distribution of speaking time agreed by the Chamber, chaired by the extreme right, which means that the PP has as many hours as the three opposition parties as a whole.

The Council of Spokespersons agreed on Thursday that the PP would respond in turn to all the initiatives of the PSPV, Compromís and Vox, monopolizing half of the day’s time. The left-wing formations recall that Mazón has already dedicated more than three hours in his speech to the general policy debate and like many others to responding to the opposition.

This departure occurred when PP MP Lucía Peral began her speech by stating that the government of Pedro Sánchez was abandoning its functions in matters of immigration policy, a competence attributed to it by the Constitution. Peral responded in turn to the xenophobic proposals of Vox, which the people said they did not support.

After two hours of debate, the left-wing deputies deplored that the PP had reacted in turn to all the initiatives presented as a response to the central government and not to the proposals debated in the Corts Valencianes. The PSPV spokesman, José Muñoz, reproached the president of the Chamber, the ultra Llanos Massó, for having allowed the PP to “notor takes the turn against Vox”, but rather “accusations against the PSOE”. The socialist group, he says, “withdraws from this debate because it is perverse and does not respect the minimum rules”.

Immediately afterwards, the spokesperson for Compromís, Joan Baldoví, did the same, denouncing that “counter-turns are used to oppose the Spanish government or the Consell del Botànic.” The Valencian considered that it is a “fraud to democracy” and perverts the debate. “These Corts are becoming the dictatorship of the PP and Vox, the opposition cannot exercise its rights.”

The socialists warned that if the PP of Carlos Mazón ““Do not stop their plans to muzzle and torpedo the work of the opposition in the Cortes, the socialists will go to the Constitutional Court to ask for protection to guarantee the rules of democracy and the rights of the opposition.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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