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HomeLatest NewsLidl increases its purchases from the food industry in Cordoba by 40%

Lidl increases its purchases from the food industry in Cordoba by 40%

Lidl stressed his commitment to Food industry of Cordoba and this is reflected in the increase, in this case of more than 40%, of their purchases of local products from the province in the last year, already exceeding the record value of 20 million euros.

As Lidl indicates in a note, the supermarket chain is also consolidating itself as a relevant platform for the internationalization of Cordovan products, exporting to aaround thirty countries, approximately 20% of the references acquired in the area, highlighting local products, such as oils, milk or cheeses.

This trend is also evident in the Andalusian data, since more than 26% of Lidl’s national purchases are made in Andalusiawhere the brand increased its purchases by more than 6% last year, mobilizing more than 1,950 million euros per year for the acquisition of articles from the Andalusian territory.

Importance of fruit and vegetable products

Among the purchases made by Lidl in Andalusia, those of fruits and vegetables stand out. In this last year, 75% of the total corresponded to fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, red fruits or citrus fruits, among others, which consolidates Lidl, once again, as the number one customer of the Andalusian garden.

Furthermore, Lidl also remains a notable showcase of international expansion for Andalusia, exporting 84% of everything it buys in the community to its stores located in around thirty countries, which is equivalent to more than 1,640 million euros2% more than the previous year.

All these figures reflect Lidl’s firm support for local producers, which has led it to increase the number of local products on its national and international shelves, adding almost 1,000 Andalusian articlesAmong which are products such as fruits and vegetables, oils, dairy products and cheeses, wines or meats, among others. The vast majority of them are sold continuously, while others are sold seasonally.

Bet on local suppliers

During this last year, the company has maintained its strategy of collaboration with more than 100 local suppliers, reaffirming itself as a reference in the marketing of local products and in business development, both for small companies and those already consolidated.

As part of its 30th anniversary in Andalusia and its commitment to continue its sustainable growth in the region, Lidl has this year allocated more than 20 million euros to the opening of five new stores in several provinces, four of them have been inaugurated during this last quarter, which will allow it to continue contributing decisively to the generation of wealth and local, stable and quality jobs in the Andalusian autonomous community.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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