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Life on Earth has its days numbered and these planets are its substitutes

Life on Earth has its days numbered and these planets are its substitutes

Life on Earth has an expiration dateat some point human beings will have to leave this part of the universe if they are still present. It is time to clearly focus on a series of elements that will ultimately make a significant difference. Without a doubt, we are facing an event that will have to happen sooner or later. Going to space is still science fiction, given current space technology, but it could become a reality in the not-too-distant future.

NASA experts are working to find an area of ​​the universe where we can start preparing to give it our all. In such a way that perhaps up until now we could begin to visualize certain situations that can be fundamental and that will invite us to be very aware of everything that will happen soon. This space exploration that we can begin soon must be marked by directions in which life is possible, leaving aside those that do not have this possibility. Experts mark in red these surrogate planets that we should know about.

Life on Earth has its days numbered

The time will have come to leave our comfort zone, the future will be marked by a change in life on Earth that we must know about. These are times when we will prepare ourselves for a situation that could end up being one that will mark a before and after on this path that awaits us.

It is the moment to visualize a series of details that until now we would not have thought so clear, but given the evolution of humanity, we are facing the end of a cycle that can mean open a new chapter, on this day for a daily life in which everything is possible.

Without a doubt, we must be aware of this universe which represents the only escape. If we take into account that this will be the way to continue life, to be aware that humanity can try to survive in another part of the universe, we will discover this place in the universe.

Life on Earth may have its days numbered, depending on wars, lack of resources, cataclysms or astronomical events, such as asteroids or the end of the Sun, humanity already has these substitute planets.

These are the substitute planets

NASA has found a series of substitute planets which, due to their characteristics, could become a second Earth. A place where human beings can begin to create a new history, if they can succeed and found a new civilization from scratch.

For years, NASA experts have had their eyes on a planet that is presented on this space agency’s blog as: “Scientists who use data from NASA’s Kepler mission confirmed the first Earth-sized planet to orbit in the habitable zone of a sun-like star. The habitable zone is the region around a star where temperatures are ideal for water to exist in its liquid form. The artist’s concept compares Earth (left) to the new planet, called Kepler-452b, which is approximately 60% larger. The illustration depicts a possible appearance of Kepler-452b: scientists do not know if the planet has oceans and continents like Earth. Both planets orbit a G2-type star with approximately the same temperature; However, the star that hosts Kepler-452b is 6 billion years old, or 1.5 billion years older than our sun. As stars age, they become larger, hotter, and brighter, as shown in the illustration. “Kepler-452b’s star appears a little larger and brighter.”

Continuing with the same explanation: “This size and scale of the Kepler-452 system was compared to the Kepler-186 system and the solar system. Kepler-186 is a miniature solar system that would fit entirely within Mercury’s orbit. The habitable zone of Kepler-186 is very small compared to that of Kepler-452 or the Sun because it is a much smaller and cooler star. The size and extent of Kepler-452’s habitable zone is almost the same as that of the sun, but it is slightly larger because Kepler-452 is somewhat older, larger, and brighter. The size of Kepler-452b’s orbit is almost the same as Earth’s, at 1.05 AU. Kepler-452b orbits its star once every 385 days. Being one of the planets due to its location close to this system, very similar to the solar system, but also very distant.


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