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Lightness and flavor in balance

Feta cheese clouds with honey and seeds are one of those experiences of lightness and flavor in a perfect balance that everyone should try, and repeatedly. Clouds can be prepared sweet or salty, and although several preparations bear this name, they originally alluded to the first colored result obtained by beating egg whites, such as meringue, also called a sigh or cloud, due to its vaporous character.

feta cheese

Although these are mainly desserts, you can make savory preparations, use cheeses like feta. Feta is a classic Greek cheese, also very popular in Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Denmark, rindless, semi-hard and usually sold in rectangles. It is possible to find them in different consistencies, although for this recipe the hardest is better.

It is about a type of soft white cheese originating from Greece. It is mainly made from sheep’s milk or a mixture of sheep’s and goat’s milk. It is a very popular cheese in Mediterranean cuisine because of its salty and slightly acidic flavor.

Feta cheese is characterized by its crumbly and moist texturewith a distinctive flavor that makes it ideal for use in salads, sauces, pasta toppings and many other dishes. Its flavor can vary depending on the maturation time, but it generally has a salty and slightly acidic touch.

For the cheese to work well in this recipe, it is best to grate it, which may not be an easy task if it is a soft to semi-hard cheese. A tip for grating this type of cheese is to put it in the freezer 30 minutes in advance, so that it has a firmer consistency, but without letting it freeze, as this would lose its properties.


  • 4 eggs
  • 100 grams of grated feta cheese
  • Dear
  • Mixture of seeds (sesame, poppy, etc.), the necessary quantity
  • Salt
  • How to make feta cheese clouds with honey and seeds:

    1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Only whites will be used.
    2. In a large bowl or container Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer until it forms stiff peaks and acquires a creamy consistency.
    3. Add a portion of seedshoney, a pinch of salt and grated feta.
    4. Mix with a palette knife, with enveloping movementsto prevent the egg whites from sinking.
    5. Preheat the oven at 180°C.
    6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and distribute the cloud portions; sprinkle with seeds and cook for 10 minutes.
    7. If you are planning to do this with an air fryer, you can place all the mixture in one containersprinkle the seeds on top and cook at 200° for 10 minutes.
    8. Once cooked, separate them from the baking paper (you can grease it a little beforehand to make this operation easier), and place on a tray.

    Nutritional information: 1200 calories

    Type of cuisine: Mediterranean

    Type of food: Lunch

    Prepare these delicious feta clouds with honey and seeds, as a snack or a good breakfast. You can prepare them with other cheeses of your choice, although this combination of feta, honey and seeds is an unforgettable experience.


    MR. Ricky Martin
    MR. Ricky Martin
    I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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