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List of demands of Junts to support the economic path of the Sánchez government

Junts once again has a crucial vote for the government in its hands: whether the vote will be held depends on its seven deputies. deficit pathof which The vote was postponed by the Executive to avoid another parliamentary defeat and give themselves room to maneuver negotiateThe pro-independence party has, however, made it clear that once again, your support will not be free and that the current spending ceiling proposal, which already fallen in JulyIn Congress, this is insufficient.

THE talksHowever, they continue, after a very tense meeting last friday between PSOE and Junts in Switzerlandas LaSexta learned: there, however, a crack has opened which the government is already taking advantage of to negotiate with the pro-independence party and thus save the deficit path and, in the longer term, also the General State Budgets.

What exactly are Carles Puigdemont’s men asking for? The truth is that Junts already has the list of demands that the government must respect if it wants their votes and they include the transfer of immigration powers in Catalonia, change the trajectory of the deficit so that there is more money for communities autonomous and progress in the Use of Catalan in Europe.

More money for the CCAA

Precisely, the parliamentary spokesman of Junts, Miriam Noguerasinsisted this Wednesday in statements to ‘RNE’ that the current proposal for a deficit trajectory “it’s not enough”“It cannot be that out of the 40 billion euros, the State tells us that it will keep 35,000 and that 1,200 will be distributed to the autonomous communities,” said the pro-independence MP.

The day before, Treasury sources consulted by LaSexta already acknowledged that it is possible to give more money to communities, but not the third one that Junts asks for. From the department headed by María Jesús Montero, they argued that if the communities are not forced to reduce the deficit and the State takes money, it will not be able to pay salaries. The same sources acknowledged having now postponed the vote on the way because previously those of Junts did not emit signals. As soon as they saw a gapthey deleted it.

In recent hours, Vice President Montero has affirmed that “every time there is an opportunity for dialogue, the government takes advantage of it.” “We see an opportunity for dialogue, we will take advantage of it“If we reach a perfect agreement, and if we do not reach an agreement, then we will go back on track and unfortunately the territories will find themselves without 12 billion euros,” he warned.

Asked about the deadlines managed, the head of the Treasury defended that there was no “no rush” If they reach an agreement and have assured that they will not resign themselves to the fact that “because of the simple whim of the PP to boycott the government”, the territories “no longer have the capacity to spend a necessary amount for health and education.

Sanchez’s approach gestures

For now, the government of Pedro Sánchez has already made several gestures to attempt a rapprochement, by reactivating the commissions of inquiry in agreement with Junts and ERC during the investiture – relating to the attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils in 2017 and the so-called “Operation Catalonia” – and with a new letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, to the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, to allow the Use of Catalan in the European Parliament.

Winks with which, according to Nogueras, “they do nothing other than the contractual commitment” signed between both parties for the investiture. In addition, Junts has issued a statement in which it affirms that achieving Catalan expression in the European Parliament is “clearly insufficient” and instead urges the government to focus “on bilateral negotiations” to obtain Catalan Civil Servicein the EU.

ERC also requires negotiation

And what about it? Republican Left? The other pro-independence party represented in Congress also claims its role. Republican sources told LaSexta that they have already informed the Treasury: if a new deficit trajectory has to be negotiated, ERC He also wants to participate in this negotiation before giving his “yes” and warns the government that Don’t take any vote for granted..




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