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HomeLatest NewsListen to the song of life

Listen to the song of life

This was the motto of the American actress Katharine Hepburn: “Listen to the song of life.” Tenacious and intelligent, he was the prototype of vital independence and rebellion against mediocrity. He knew how to live with splendor all the stages of his almost century-old existence, where misfortunes were not lacking, with tragic family deaths, nor imperfect loves with bitter farewells. The actress, winner of four Oscars, who made her brain the main engine of her beauty. We reported on her death in Informe Semanal. In the fragment that I am simply linking because of its poor recording quality, he explains it: The key is to listen to the song of life.

This is what is offered in multiple fragments, even from strangers. Among them, especially. El Calero Park, in the multi-colored Concepción neighborhood in Madrid, is one of the liveliest I know. Full of leafy trees, it is still free from a certain municipal voracity and fills up at all hours with neighbors and users. Although there have been attempts to destroy it, they have been overcome. Many elderly people do their walking routine there, often accompanied by migrant caregivers. There is group gymnastics or, more elaborate, on the bars. Entire families come. Many children ride bikes without pedals until they learn to balance with their feet. Multiple human figures walk their dogs of all sizes, breeds and moods. This is a Madrid much more real than that of shouting and greed.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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