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“Living cannot be synonymous with anguish”

He Junts’ contempt for the government after joining PP, Vox and UPS Reversing the bill promoted by Sumar with the aim of combating the fraudulent use of seasonal rental and room rental contracts leaves consequences beyond politics, since these practices remain, for the moment, without limit which prevents abuse against tenants.

Alba Cosmo is one of the people concerned. She has been on the same floor for a long time, but sign rental contracts every yeareither. “There have been periods of anxiety,” as well as “total instability,” he says, because, as these are contracts of less than a year, the Urban Lease Law does not apply and, therefore, the owner can raise whatever he wants. . price because it is not regulated. “They are turning their backs on the most vulnerable people, who are the ones who accept these types of contracts,” says Alba Cosmo.

Unprotected tenants face blind price increases and payment of expenses that do not correspondThis is the case of Javier Mera, another tenant, who has lived in Barcelona for two years and has already signed three different contracts.They charged me a fee when they could no longer charge for long-term contracts,” he complained, but they justified themselves by saying that “it was a temporary contract.” And, when he demanded to change and sign a long-term contract, the owner apologized by saying that the law prevented it.”This prevented her from charging us the price she wanted, which was 1,200 euros.“, criticizes this person concerned.

Housing associations, for their part, warn that this cannot remain as it is because the consequences of non-regulation are considerable. unaffordable for tenants. “Living on rent can’t be synonymous with anxiety and right now, if these holes are not filled, they are,” says Carme Arcazo, spokesperson for the Barcelona Tenants’ Union.

This is why there is already talk of a rent strike, in which, as the union’s lawyer, Víctor Palomo, explains, it is proposed that “all tenants act at the same time to destabilize the market“These measures are currently being studied and we assure that they have legal value.




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