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Local elected officials want to participate in a future government coalition

She is not “candidate for nothing”. The president of the Association of Elected Regions of France, Carole Delga, went to the Elysée Palace on Thursday 29 August because Emmanuel Macron sought the opinion of local elected officials as part of the riverine consultations he is carrying out before appointing the next head of government.

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Emmanuel Macron “You have the right to reject Lucie Castets. But you have the duty to choose. [le premier ministre] in the left block »declared in The ParisianTHURSDAY. Moderate socialist, she opposes the strategy of breaking up La France Insoumise. judging ” ridiculous “ To stick to the New Popular Front program, he took the opportunity to present five government priorities, including: “the increase in wages” or the return “retired at 62”. “We must open ourselves to other republican forces to reach consensus”She believes, calling “The responsibility of all parliamentarians who benefited from the Republican front. [lors des élections législatives des 30 juin et 7 juillet] ».

Carole Delga was accompanied by the Vice-President of the Regions of France, Renaud Muselier. A member of the Les Républicains (LR) party until 2021, the President of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur says that “Right-wing, but now in the macronie”. In short, the tandem could foreshadow the majority, from the socialists to the moderate right, that the head of state is demanding.

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“Culture of commitment”

In the National Assembly, “It is the central group that is the majority, not the left”Renaud Muselier considered on France 2 on Thursday, in reference to the re-election of Yaël Braun-Pivet (Renaissance) on July 18 against the candidate of the New Popular Front, the communist deputy for Puy-de-Dôme, André Chassaigne. But, Muselier acknowledged, the question today is the following: “How can we unite this core group?”

For some political leaders, it is with elected officials on the ground that we must seek a way out of the crisis; they are the ones who often manage composite majorities at the local level and have experience in seeking cross-party consensus. “The culture of compromise should lead to the search for a coalition of local elected officials”The mayor of LR de La Baule (Loire Atlantique), Franck Louvrier, argued in HE Sunday newspaper of August 18, defending “a government of locally elected officials”.

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The mayor of Horizons de Nice (Alpes Maritimes), Christian Estrosi, also called for the presence of “important local elected officials” in government, as has always been the case “From De Gaulle to Sarkozy”. “We do not sufficiently involve those who drive the essential growth of our country: the world of economics and large communities, which represent 70% of public investment”, he explained.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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