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Lower taxes, housing for young people and 90 other measures announced by Ayuso during the regional debate

The President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusoannounced this Thursday a total of 95 measures that his Executive will launch in the coming months. Ayuso presented and explained each of these proposals during his speech at the debate on the state of the region that took place in the Assembly of Madrid. This battery of proposals includes the reduction of taxes, the acquisition and launch of multiple housing for young people or the investment of 100 million euros in educational matters for the region.

Ayuso reported other measures such as the biggest call for opposition from firefighters in 60 yearsthe opening of the first center for male victims of sexual violence or that the new schools in the region will recover the split day and also teach 1st and 2nd of ESOThese are the 90 measures announced by Isabel Díaz Ayuso this Thursday:

  1. Creation of the card for parents of large families.
  2. Regulation of the title and accreditation of the 250,000 single-parent families in the region.
  3. Extension of the tax credit for inheritances and donations between brothers, uncles and nephews from 25 to 50%, which will result in tax savings of 130 million euros per year.
  4. 100% bonus on donations under 1,000 euros.
  5. Removal of the requirement to issue a public document to apply the 99% bonus.
  6. Extension of the maximum age of taxpayers who can benefit from the personal income tax deduction for the rental of their habitual residence, up to a maximum of 1,234 euros: it will go from those under 35 to those under 40.
  7. Approval of the Taxpayers’ Defense Act.
  8. Markets and shopping malls resume in different parts of the region.
  9. 20 million euros to revitalize small, traditional and local businesses, particularly in cities.
  10. Investment of almost 7 million euros in digital training for almost 2,500 professionals in the tourism sector.
  11. Approval of the law against hyperregulation.
  12. The Getafe Entrepreneurship Center will be transferred to new areas of the region.
  13. Digital skills training plan for 2,500 hospitality professionals.
  14. Incentives for companies hiring new employees: extension of an additional 500 euros for assistance to new employees with dependents and an additional 1,000 euros in the event of hiring members of a large family, single parents or if the hiring is carried out by a startup.
  15. Delivery of 2,131 homes in Getafe, Alcorcón, Torrejón de Ardoz, Alcalá de Henares, San Sebastián de los Reyes and Valdebebas (Madrid) in the next four months.
  16. Launch of the Live Young Solution Plan, which provides for the construction of 2,000 additional new homes since December.
  17. Acquisition of 200 homes for social rental and rehousing in Cañada Real, with a planned investment of 56 million euros.
  18. The Community of Madrid will have 34 new health centres at the end of the legislature.
  19. Inauguration of the largest oncology research institute in Spain, next to the new 12 de Octubre Hospital.
  20. Strengthen screening programs for breast, colon, cervical and lung cancer.
  21. The Community of Madrid will be a cardioprotected region with PreveCardio, which will be launched in 2025 in all primary care centers.
  22. Tender for works on the former Puerta de Hierro hospital before the end of the year, which will house the world’s first residence for ALS patients.
  23. In 2025, the new neurorehabilitation center will open at the Isabel Zendal Care Hospital, aimed at spinal cord injuries and the recovery of neurological injuries in children and adults.
  24. The Virgen de la Poveda hospital will become a care center for quadriplegic patients similar to the one in Toledo.
  25. Promotion of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research Institute, which will share its work between La Paz and Niño Jesús.
  26. Launch of LibreMente, places intended for the population between 12 and 25 years old where they can enter without an appointment and be heard by psychologists, nurses, social workers or therapists.
  27. The new public schools will also teach 1st and 2nd ESO and will have split days.
  28. Investment of 100 million euros for the southern area of ​​the Community of Madrid in education.
  29. Call for tenders for the new institutes in Parla and Leganés.
  30. Construction of a new headquarters for the Maria de Avila Higher Conservatory of Dance.
  31. Creation of a specific theatre for dance in Las Tablas (Madrid).
  32. Launch of two new Prevention, Treatment and Research Centers on Gambling Disorders and Other Behavioral Addictions in Minors.
  33. First Regional Plan to Combat Drugs in the Community of Madrid, aimed especially at minors and young people.
  34. 40% increase in the number of professionals in the field of addiction to speed up resolutions.
  35. Increase in economic dependency benefits by up to 50%.
  36. Extension of Advanced Telecare, which provides permanent monitoring at home.
  37. Creation of the first Active Aging Plan, with four strategic axes.
  38. First steps towards the launch of the Madrid Agency for the Quality of Social Services.
  39. Construction of 40 new residences for the elderly by 2030, with a capacity of 9,000 people.
  40. The new retirement homes will have specific living units for disabled children of elderly residents.
  41. Creation of a register of wills so that disabled people and their families can record with dignity and fullness the life project they wish to develop.
  42. Launch of the first public residence for people with intellectual disabilities who are aging prematurely.
  43. Development of the Single Register which will integrate all information on disabled minors.
  44. A new public system against sexual assault to help people with intellectual disabilities.
  45. The Community of Madrid will open the first specialized comprehensive care center for male victims of sexual violence.
  46. Implementation of a new integration plan, promoting the success model of the 8 Adult Participation and Integration Centers.
  47. Creation in La Cantueña, in addition to a first reception center, of a Reference Center for the integration and training of immigrant minors from the entire region.
  48. The Mobile Banking service and the Mobile Citizen Service Offices will serve all municipalities in the region with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants.
  49. New aid to promote trade and hospitality in towns with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants.
  50. Extension of the Cuídame elderly care program to towns with fewer than 250 inhabitants.
  51. Development of the new map of urban and interurban transport concessions, which will improve the accessibility of intelligent transport systems.
  52. New public transport planner, which will calculate routes and provide real-time information on means of transport.
  53. Virtualization of the Public Transport Card, which will be integrated into the mobile phone and will allow payment by card.
  54. Articulation of new lines of assistance for the adaptation of vehicles intended for disabled people.
  55. Approval of the road safety strategy.
  56. Work begins on the third lane of the M-607 between Tres Cantos and Colmenar.
  57. Start of the M-600 and M-404 deployment project in the Valdemorillo-Navalcarnero-Griñón corridor.
  58. Launch of the pioneering Last Mile project, to transport parcels or collect goods on the metro.
  59. Transformation of the Duque de Pastrana station into a major accessibility nerve center.
  60. Construction of a large urban park of 12,000 square meters in the El Pilar complex in San Fernando de Henares, ready for the second half of 2025.
  61. The marketing of local products will be promoted, strengthening their presence in shops, markets, hotels, cafes and restaurants.
  62. Legal reform that will allow farmers and breeders to market their farms directly.
  63. Activation of the Primary Sector Dynamization Plan in the Community of Madrid to improve competitiveness.
  64. Support of 2.5 million euros for the integration into the activity of young farmers and breeders between 18 and 40 years old.
  65. Investment of 1.5 million euros to help over-41s who join the agricultural sector with new farms.
  66. More than 3.2 billion euros for the Canal de Isabel II until 2030 to guarantee the supply of the people of Madrid.
  67. Implementation of the Comprehensive Drainage Program of the Community of Madrid, which will help manage the effects of floods.
  68. Streamline planning permissions for farmers and breeders.
  69. Modernization of irrigation, which means saving water and improving the profitability of farms.
  70. By 2025, there will be a diagnostic imaging network that will be able to manage any imaging exam, regardless of the hospital or center in which it was performed.
  71. Implementation of the home patient management platform.
  72. Implementing new predictive medicine models to improve the ability to prevent and treat diseases.
  73. Increase in the capacity of the Genomic Analysis Center of Madrid.
  74. New application for young people Madrid JOVEN.
  75. Design of technologically advanced residences.
  76. Distribution of voice devices to the elderly to promote their independence.
  77. Pilot project launched with robots to work with children with autism spectrum disorders.
  78. Creation of a virtual health card for pets.
  79. Train 100,000 students in AI with a free online course from Founderz and Microsoft.
  80. Three major projects of the Cybersecurity Agency: one for surveillance, another for incident response and a “cybersecure location” certification.
  81. Artificial intelligence applied to the detection of forest fires, falls of elderly people or to the search for procedures via the citizen service line 012.
  82. Creation of the Administrative and Citizen Services District of the Community of Madrid in the Plaza de Castilla.
  83. The Civil Registry of Pradillo Street will be located in the Poeta Joan Maragall Magistrate Court.
  84. Strengthening the global security strategy of the Community of Madrid, with an investment of more than 70 million euros per year.
  85. The most ambitious call in the history of the firefighters of the Community of Madrid, with 267 new posts.
  86. Request for legislative amendment that would lead to harsher sanctions against arsonists.
  87. Preparation of the Special Aeronautical Emergency Plan for Civil Aviation (AEROCAM).
  88. Upcoming inauguration of the Getafe and Torrejón de Ardoz Courthouses.
  89. Investment of 10 million euros for the rehabilitation and improvement of the judicial seats in Leganés, Alcorcón, Colmenar Viejo, Coslada and Fuenlabrada.
  90. Creation of an interactive center Memorial to Victims of Terrorism.
  91. Declaration as Property of Cultural Interest (BIC) of the Golden Age, the Silver Age and Urban Culture.
  92. Strategic grant plan for the theatre and audiovisual sector.
  93. Presentation of the Canal Milla sports project in the Chamberí neighborhood (Madrid).
  94. Next complete renovation of the Rayo Vallecano stadium.
  95. Articulation of a professional career model for public officials with a system of promotion levels and corresponding remuneration for each of them.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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