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Lucie Castets announces that she will “end” her duties at Paris City Hall, to continue her fight within the NFP

To continue to embody the alliance of left-wing parties, through which “always feels supported”The joint candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP) for Matignon, Lucie Castets, announced that she was counting “put an end to [ses] “functions of director of finances of the city of Paris”, Thursday, August 29, at the microphone of BFM-TV/RMC.

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“This is not a resignation since I am a public servant, but I am resigning from my position.”He continued, letting it be known that “The practical arrangements are still under discussion” but that she “consider [se] make available ».

This decision was forced on Lucie Castets as she was approaching the end of her summer vacation. In recent months, she was nominated by the NFP as Matignon’s candidate and has since made herself known publicly, increasing the number of media appearances and trips. But her status as a senior civil servant bound by a duty of confidentiality would no longer allow her to make such a political commitment as of next week.

“Put everything [ses] forces to preserve the union »

carried by the “A strong hope born from the vote of the French” In the legislative elections in July, in which the NFP alliance came first, it intends “put everything [ses] forces to preserve this union of the left »But the absence of a majority for the NFP and the threat of immediate censure of a left-wing government brandished by the central bloc, the right and the far right justified Emmanuel Macron’s refusal to name his prime minister on Monday, after a first round of consultations.

“We always said we had gone beyond ‘the whole program, just the program.’ (…) We note that we have a relative majority and not an absolute majority.”The senior official estimated, who accused the President of the Republic of having “caricatured the NFP’s position”because “He doesn’t want to leave” [la gauche] govern, nor convince, nor seek agreements, then [qu’elle] I could have done it”.

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However, “I always feel supported by the four forces of the PFN”said Castetes. Even the Socialist Party, he said, is divided on the possibility of another left-wing figure being appointed to Matignon, such as former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

“Of course there are different positions in the PS, it is healthy, it is the soul of a party”He put things into perspective, claiming not to have “There is no personal problem with Bernard Cazeneuve”that she ” My dear “ and that she “I respect”Although he doubts that it is “able to carry another policy” than that of the head of state.

Lucie Castets also confirmed that she will travel to Blois, where the Socialist Party is opening its summer university from Thursday to Saturday, especially “to greet the PS activists”In recent days, the candidate for Prime Minister has already attended the summer universities of the other members of the NFP, including the ecologists of Tours, the “rebels” of Chateauneuf-sur-Isère and the communists of Montpellier.

As for the question of your presence in the ranks of the September 7 mobilization against “Emmanuel Macron’s coup”who calls for La France insoumise to join but not the socialists, Lucie Castets declared that she had no “There is no problem with the idea of ​​protesting”and that she would do it that day ” Yeah [elle est] available “.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. The left denounces a “denial” of democracy after Emmanuel Macron’s refusal to appoint Lucie Castets in Matignon

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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