Woman, young, economist, former socialist activist and defender of public services, This is the profile of Lucie Castets, the bet of the New Popular Front to be the French Prime Minister: “We came to remind the president of the importance of respecting the election results.”
Represents the more moderate wing of the French left. Not enough for Macron, who sees some of the laws approved during his term in danger, as explained by Ruth Ferrero, professor of political science at the Complutense University: “He claims that any left-wing government that questions the economic policy it has implemented since 2017, what will happen? lead France into chaos.”
The President of the Republic is the one who chooses the Prime Minister without needing the approval of the Assembly. The only risk, and the one that Macron uses to justify his refusal, is a motion of censure against Castets right-wing parties. The political scientist of the Jean Jaurès Foundation Antoine Laporte underlines that “if Macron appoints Lucie Castets, almost automatically it will be censored and his government will fall in a few days or weeks.”
For his part, Ferrero says that “what this tells us is that perhaps this government, with the support for Macronism, it would be much more stable”. But the remaining alternatives are few, as Laporte points out: “Macron can appoint a person linked to the moderate left Socialist Party, but not from the socialist party, not proposed by the New Popular Front to try to build some kind of grand coalition.
If this option also failed, Macron would have only one, hitherto unthinkable, way out. “The only option in this case would be agree with Marine Le Pen, If this were the case, it would be the end of Macronism. This would pave the way for the arrival of the French far right in the presidential palace and probably the bankruptcy of the French Fifth Republic,” Ferrero said.
An unprecedented blockade in the country which could lead France to a election repeat next year.