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HomeLatest NewsMacro charity wedding in 'Sanse': "I wanted to give them a chance"

Macro charity wedding in ‘Sanse’: “I wanted to give them a chance”

Ten o’clock in the morning and the first curious onlookers are already hanging around the parish hall. White folding chairs are added to the wooden benches. Meticulously placed. In God’s eyes, following the priests’ suggestions. Flowers everywhere. Nervousness, shock, agitation. Everything must be perfect, impeccable. They smile enthusiastically at the television cameras. Your big day has arrived.

“Crazy.” This is how the priest defines Javier Sanchez-Cervera the first macro wedding – 18 couples who said yes – to take place in Spain, in the parish of San Sebastián Mártir, in the city of Saint Sebastian of the Kingsnow at parties.

Javier, after giving the green light, leaves the church. He goes with some organizers and the bride and groom to the nearest cafeteria. Between coffees, he tells this newspaper that the The idea came about a year and a half ago. “I noticed that many couples who came to baptize their children were not married. Either because they have no family in Spain or because they do not have the resources to celebrate what is supposed to be an ideal marriage. So I wanted to give them a chance,” explains the priest, who emphasizes that there are many social pressure with the concept of the “dream wedding” leading couples, on many occasions, to give up on it.

To launch the project, they first contacted the Madrid City Council to see if they supported the idea and if they could count on their collaboration. And “no one put up obstacles, quite the opposite.” He second sunday in may They announced it to the parishioners.

Some bride and groom and organizers of the macro-wedding chatting in a cafeteria in San Sebastián de los Reyes

Guillermo Navarro

“We started explaining it at every Mass so that the parishioners would understand the idea. Later, we put up a huge tarpaulin at the back of the church. with a QR code so that neighbors could get more information and register and finally we contacted a local media and made a small report inviting everyone join this madness” he explains happily.

It is true that at first the municipality received it with surprise, as a municipal councilor who was touring the neighborhood assured us. “Even we didn’t know if it would work or not.” “Ultimately, we have to think that it is a solution to a situation which can be painful for many people,” the priest continues.

Parish of the Martyrs of Saint Sebastian

Guillermo Navarro

On the very day the community celebration was announced, four couples joined up who saw the perfect opportunity to make possible what they had always wanted and had not yet been able to obtain. This is how they express it Alexandra Leon40 years old, and David Morales37. One of the couples celebrating the sacrament of marriage today. They both got married in a civil ceremony ten years ago in Colombia. “We always wanted to do it for the Church, but we never found the opportunity.” Until Father Javier announced it that Sunday at Mass.

It is said that one of the conditions for participating in the macro-marriage is to bring married in a civil ceremony for five years or live together. In addition, at least one of the two must be baptized in the Catholic Church and present the baptismal certificate. The parish also made available to couples an intensive three-day premarital course. That’s where they all met: “We have almost become a family. “We continue to share a very special moment.”

Preparations for the macro-wedding in the parish of San Sebastián Mártir

Guillermo Navarro

They attend the celebration about 400 guests. Javier laughs that he has not imposed a maximum number of participants: “A few months ago we sent out a form to calculate more or less the number of participants. “I guess there will be more to come.”

Andres Reyesone of the bride and groom listens to the conversation. He indicates that he and his wife, Amélie Garcia –one of the first couples to sign up for the macro-wedding– marked the option between 80 and 100 people: “We don’t have family here, but we have a lot of friends that we have made over all these years. Whoever wants to come, let him come!“They arrived in Spain 16 years ago. They got married in a civil ceremony 15 years ago, in Venezuela. Their plan was to save up and get married the following year, “and look at us!”

Makeup and hair

Amalia emphasizes that she welcomes the ceremony with great enthusiasm. “The whole city has changed a lot and altruistic so that it can move forward,” she says enthusiastically. There is no shortage of reasons. The entire city has pitched in to provide logistical assistance to the couples. Hairdressers, dressmakers, makeup artists and stylists. They have all offered to help with the preparations. Several neighbors have even donated their wedding dresses. During these days, the church has transformed its parish hall into a beauty salon.

Natalia Alarcónfor example, is the manicurist who offered to collaborate and help the brides. The Colombian says that Father Javier proposed the idea to her in March. “I do it of my own free will. It is giving a little of everything we have received since we arrived here,” he says. Keep in mind that everything is a bit “chaotic”: “We start on Monday. I would have liked to have done all the nails in one day. But it was impossible for me, there are so many! In the end, I could only do about nine of them, and I did two at a time.

One of the girlfriends entrusted to Natalia is Graciela Varillas. She says that at half past six she has to be at the parish hall to have her hair and makeup done. In her case, she bought a wedding dress for 60 euros on AliExpress, as well as the veil and other accessories: “It’s a special occasion. “I liked the idea of ​​wearing a new suit.” However, the sandals he is going to wear are donated to the church for the occasion. Something very curious happened to Alejandra. She bought her dress, but during one of her visits to the church, she fell in love with one of the ones that had been donated to her. “I was nickeled.” And he returned the one he bought. And Amalia, for example, will have her hair and makeup done by a trusted friend, but she will get dressed in the parish hall with the rest of the brides: “We are like friends now.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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