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Madrid Assembly asks Sánchez to recognize Edmundo González as elected president of Venezuela

The debate on the state of the region in the Madrid Assembly ended this Friday afternoon with the debate and vote on the resolutions. The absolute majority of the PP allowed the popular parties to comfortably and without problems approve their five resolution proposals. Among them, the one that defends the recognition of Edmundo González as president-elect of Venezuela, which had the support of the votes of the PP and Vox.

Each parliamentary group presented five motions for resolution, which were voted on separately. The five PPs approved concern the regional financing model, citizen security, suburban transport, immigration and support for the Venezuelan people.

In the resolution on regional financing, in addition to rejecting the Catalan economic consultation model, the Sánchez government is invited to promote a new financing model that meets the financing needs of public services. In addition, it demands that the Government assume the spending commitments that correspond to it, that it guarantees solidarity and access for Spaniards to public services and that it be negotiated by all the autonomous communities. It has had the support of the PP and Vox and the rejection of the PSOE and Más Madrid.

In the resolution on citizen safety approved, the Government of the Nation is required to increase the number of the National Police and the Civil Guard, “taking into account the growth of the population, and to offer real data on the positions actually covered”, to promote the necessary legislative reforms and increase resources to combat occupation and unrest, strengthen the means available to combat drug trafficking, as it is a social scourge and one of the main causes of the increase in crime, and collaborate with the Regional Plan to Combat Drugs, to prevent and prosecute crime. In this case, it was also approved with the votes of the PP and Vox.

About immigrationIn the approved PP initiative, the government is asked to exercise effective control at the borders and airports, especially in Madrid-Barajas, to offer the communities the necessary information on immigrants and unaccompanied minors transferred, guaranteeing funding for your attention, to reach agreements with the countries of origin, which put an end to the mafias and the chaos that we are experiencing, promote European mechanisms to face the crisis and convene the Conference of Presidents to resolve this problem. The absolute majority of the PP as well as the votes of Vox have given the green light to this initiative.

The fourth resolution of the PP, which received the support of the plenary session, refers to the commuter transport. The Government is required to have a plan to improve the Cercanías service in the region that is comprehensive and with sufficient funding to guarantee the modernization of the railway infrastructure and the incorporation of new rolling stock, in order to resolve the deterioration of the service. . service and incidents that occur daily. Also that the corresponding coordination bodies be convened immediately and that meetings be held, in the greatest institutional loyalty, between the heads of both Administrations. PP, Vox and Más Madrid approved this initiative, to which the PSOE voted against.

With the approval of the fifth initiative, the Assembly provides maximum institutional support to the Venezuelan exiles that are manifesting in the Community and demand an end to the repression of the Maduro regime. The Assembly of Madrid urges the Community government to ask the central government to recognize Edmundo González as the elected president of Venezuela and to demand that the central government join the demands, such as those of former presidents González, Aznar and Rajoy, for the International Criminal Court to act against Maduro. PP and Vox have approved this resolution.

From Vox, presented an initiative that links irregular immigration to security (rejected by the PP, PSOE and Más Madrid), another resolution of conciliation in education (rejected with the votes of the PP, PSOE and Más Madrid), the third refers to the reduction of superfluous public expenditure, including the reduction of the number of deputies and the end of subsidies to unions and employers (rejected by the votes of the PP, PSOE and Más Madrid), and two others to promote access to housing and reduce taxes, both rejected by the votes of the PP, PSOE and Más Madrid.

The proposals of Socialist Group They focused on an unwavering commitment to public education (which was rejected by PP and Vox), another to provide solutions to the “chaos” in Madrid’s health system (also rejected by PP and abstention of Más Madrid and Vox), another to promote housing and solve the problem of its price (rejected by PP and Vox), another on transparency (was rejected by the negative vote of the PP) and another on “ethical and transparent” procurement (rejected by the PP vote).

By More from MadridIts five proposed resolutions focused on a commitment to primary health care, housing policies with an investment of 1.8 billion euros, a plan to support vocational training, an improvement in residences for the elderly and a pact against corruption, which includes the immediate resignation of any public office for which there are suspicions based on data regarding their involvement in corruption. This last point led the PSOE not to support this resolution against corruption and to vote against it, alongside the PP and Vox. Its previous proposals were also rejected.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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