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HomeLatest NewsMadrid to test wastewater for drugs and run TikTok campaigns against cannabis

Madrid to test wastewater for drugs and run TikTok campaigns against cannabis

The fight against drugs, and especially against cannabis, is one of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s priorities. And now, she has made it one of the axes of her second year in office: in an interview on Esradio, the Madrid leader announced her Regional Plan against Drugs, an “ambitious” project with more than 50 concrete measures, among which there will be analyses of wastewater like those carried out during Covid, but now to detect the presence of precursors of certain substances associated with drug use. There will also be, at the end of the year, specific campaigns alert young people about the harmfulness of these substances explained in their language, through social networks like Tiktok or Instagram.

The President stressed that drug use has become a global epidemic. “It destroys lives: boys between 14 and 18 have problems with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, suicides…” Remember that drugs have never been part of Western culture, but more than Eastern culture. In Germany or Malta, “they have decided to commit suicide, legalizing what can never be legalized.”

For this reason, among his measures, he also announced police patrols with dogs in areas where children gather for their leisure time.

For this reason, and after referring to international studies that link cannabis consumption to the risk of suffering psychosis or increasing the risks of suffering schizophrenia, Díaz Ayuso criticized the frivolization of this consumption by the left. But she resists and announces that “we are going to wage a total war against drugs.”

That is why he will implement this regional plan, the details of which he will explain during the debate on the state of the region and which includes initiatives such as limiting the sale of cannabis derivatives to minors in establishments: they will have to demand an ID to distribute them, there will be restrictions on their advertising and they will also be limited in video games. The sale of these cannabis-derived products is more common than one might imagine: recent health inspections have intervened in more than 50 establishments, immobilizing and removing cookies, energy drinks, lollipops, candies, infusions, lollipops and cannabis chewing gum, and even buds of this medicine, explained Díaz Ayuso.

Other measures included in this anti-drug plan are the expansion of the Admission Unit and the Detoxification and Addiction Day Hospital for young people, as well as the outpatient service for patients suffering from mental health pathologies and addictions.

Unity with Feijóo

Regarding the current political situation, the Madrid president regrets that “nobody asks for transparency and we get used to all the scandals, but if I say that in meetings with Sánchez we do not talk about everyone’s business, those who called me the wing immediately leave.” hard, extreme. “You always have to raise scandals around me, and see if it is not the division with Feijóo, because I impose duties on my party colleagues…”

Protest because “there are cakes to see who insults me and the people of Madrid the most.” Beyond that, he welcomed the day of the Congress that supported Edmundo González yesterday, Tuesday, and “we have seen the loneliness of a government that is a lame duck.”

Regarding the role of Rodríguez Zapatero, former president of the government, he believes that “he learned during his years in office that when he applies sanitary cordons, he can perpetuate himself in power; “That’s what he taught Pedro Sánchez.” According to him, there is now “a mixture between the territorial rupture of Spain and this federal plurinational republic, and they are creating in a paralegal way a Catalan nation that supposes that they remain in Spain, breaking the common fund of all, but at the same time, expelling everything.” “The Spanish thing.” And the creator of all this is, Ayuso believes, the former president Rodríguez Zapatero.

Let us recall that Madrid contributes more than 77 percent to the common fund between autonomous communities. But it is not just a problem of money, insisted Díaz Ayuso, but “it is about Spain.” He wonders how to repair so much damage later; “They are going to take us to the greatest confrontation.” Some 30 billion euros will not be collected in Spain as a whole, the Madrid president said in the interview, because of this single financing.

That is why he continues to insist on the need for Pedro Sánchez to convene the Conference of Presidents that he has been demanding for months. This Wednesday, announced Díaz Ayuso, the Government Council will realize that the appeal that the Regional Executive filed on July 24 before the Supreme Court against the President of the Government for having neglected the three requirements that were made to convene this conference, was admitted for processing on July 30.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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