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HomeBreaking NewsMalinche's intern gave Nacho Cano three hours to pay his mother €6,000...

Malinche’s intern gave Nacho Cano three hours to pay his mother €6,000 or she would report him

At 3:11 p.m. on December 22, 2024, LGOF wrote on WhatsApp: “I spoke (sic) with my lawyer and he told me that I can sue them for neglect, discrimination, psychological violence, deprivation of liberty at the inn, among other things!” He wrote it Malinche Intern who ended up denouncing the producer Nacho Cano for an alleged offence of violating workers’ rights by bringing them to Spain, presumably as tourists, and exploiting them at work.

Now the producer has reported the intern for two alleged crimes: conditional threats, that is, blackmail and revelation of secrets. The young Mexican woman demanded “a reward for the damages” which began by demanding the payment of 5,350 euros And? rounded later at 6,000.

Even set a three-hour deadline to accept: “I need an answer before 6pm, since I won’t have a place to live today either and if that’s the case, I’ll start asking for help through my social networks…”. She clarified that if she accepted “this agreement”, she would not be doing it “legally”. What’s more, “I don’t even remember that they exist”.

The complaint that EL ESPAÑOL had access to states that the young woman, the day before requesting the money, support and letter of recommendation, had a level of requirement much smallerand said that “if you think I’m going to devote myself to talking bad about you, delete it, we all have important things to do.” I only asked that “you give me a hotel roof or, if possible, meals and transport“. “ANDeither “I would sign that I would be reserved in my comments and that I would respect what was agreed, (but) it would have to be reciprocal.”.

In crescendo

On the same day, December 21, and according to the message thread, LGOF met with Nacho Cano, who did not refuse to recommend her so that she could work in Spain, but that she had to leave. The scholarship recipient expressed that she did not agree, “from what I understood, they want to separate me from the scholarship recipients and La Malinche, that’s why.” They want me to go back to Mexico now and I respect that, but you can’t kick me out of Spain if I don’t want to leave… You can be sure that I’m not going to discredit you, that’s not my style” (…) I want to reach a negotiation competent for all work and personal effort (…).

In his thread, he mentioned his mother for the first time. “My mother lives in a very small place where she has made a space to store my stuff, she is very upset and wants me to go to human rights and she addressed the media (…)”.

Nacho Cano, with the interns of “Malinche”, during the press conference he held after his arrest.


But on the 22nd, and according to the message thread sent by the aforementioned instant messaging application, after explaining that he had to provide for his family in his country, demanded the money should have been “deposited” on my mother’s account in Mexico“She also requested “a letter of recommendation” from the producer and “my paid stay, accompanied by meals in a hotel or inn until January 15”, that is, from December 22 to January 15 inclusive.

“My lawyer says that This request will cost much less than a trial.or, outside of tarnish your image and with the possibility that all the scholarship holders can return if I continue,” LGOF continued. The young woman remained in Spain, unlike the other scholarship holders, who returned to Mexico and were allowed to return. The Contentious-Administrative Court numbers 9 and 5 of Madrid issued a resolution dated September 12 granting the precautionary measure of Residence permit in Spain for studies“until the matter is resolved,” the complaint states.

The mother

Previously, he had assured that “I really respect and admire Mr. Nacho Cano” and that “that is why I have not done anything” until that moment. “But my mother is very upset and they want to send me a lawyer“They are looking for a way to get to Madrid and I don’t want any more problems, that’s why I’m asking for damages.”

Already the January 11, 2024 The person now reported went to the Leganitos police station to report Nacho Cano and three other people for the treatment they received. Later, on January 19, 2024, he expanded the complaint and provided documents. From that moment on, a police investigation which led to the transfer of the 17 scholarship holders to the police station and the subsequent arrest of Nacho Cano on July 9.

In June, LGOF sent three emails to the Prosecutor’s Officespecifically on the 17th, 19th and 21st, they were accompanied by documents “consisting of the scholarship program and photographs of the complainant with Nacho Cano and other people.” The complaint filed by Cano specifies that the Prosecutor’s Office begins the actions prior to the procedure and ends with the decree of June 28, 2024 which archive the debatesconsidering that the reported facts have no criminal relevance.”


In the documentation provided to the investigating court, dated September 16, it is specified that on December 17, after being chosen for the casting in Mexico, the young woman signed a document “containing the rules of behavior”, so he knew that failure to comply would result in expulsion from the scholarship program and return to Mexico.

The accused “failed to adapt to the program and caused many clashes with his classmates, making coexistence unbearable.” Likewise, among the conditions of the scholarship project “it was established that every three months from the arrival in Madrid, the management had the power to invite the student to abandon the scholarship “for not having complied with the objective conditions” and that an evaluation was carried out in which three points related to camaraderie, attitude and dedication would be examined.

This happened with two scholarship students who were asked to abandon the scholarship because they had not reached the required technical level. The management paid the costs of their return to Mexico. “They tried to do the same with LGOF, which He had his return ticket for December 18th.. He refused to return. A few days later, he allegedly demanded money.




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