Monday, September 23, 2024 - 4:09 am
HomeLatest NewsMan shot in abdomen during hunt in El Espinar

Man shot in abdomen during hunt in El Espinar

A 44-year-old man was shot in the abdomen while participating in a hunt in the Segovian town of El Espinar. The event occurred around 1:30 p.m. this Sunday when the operations room of the 1-1-2 of Castilla y León received a call alerting of what had happened in the area of ​​La Umbria, a place inaccessible to vehicles due to landing.

As it is a difficult to access area, the person in charge of 1-1-2 held a multi-conference with the Health Emergencies -Sacyl-, in charge of making an initial assessment and, at the same time, telling the alerter what to do with the injured until help arrives. In addition, a medical helicopter and a second rescue device from the Government of Castile and León were sent to the scene, with two rescuers, including a nurse, who went to the scene. The COS of the Civil Guard and the Local Police of El Espinar were also informed of the incident.

The rescue helicopter accessed the closest possible location to the patient, where it was parked to allow rescuers to disembark and perform first aid. Then, it picked up the Sacyl personnel and proceeded to transport them to the injured person. Then, the rescue helicopter picked up the Sacyl personnel, who landed in a nearby area, and took them to the injured person.

The patient was then placed on a stretcher and hoisted to the rescue helicopter, which transported him to the bathroom to go to the Segovia Care Complex.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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