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Manual for insulting kings and continuing to be mayor

The PP lied and so did its “patriotic” mayor. Two months after the scandal, Fernando Gallego remains in office and it is not even recorded that he left the municipal group of the Popular Party. All the embarrassing messages that caused the scandal remain visible on his X-Twitter profile. He has not deleted them

PP Mayor of Camuñas pretends to be a neighbor when questioned about the controversy: “He has support”

Felipe VI is a lazy, cold and gentle man, who prefers to keep the throne rather than defend the honor. This is because he made a mistake by marrying a woman who held him by the balls. This woman, Queen Letizia, is a raging redhead, a communist commoner and, physically, a scrap metal.

If after reading these lines the prosecutor’s office, the police or the Christian lawyers rub their hands thinking about the actions they are going to take against me, I will make them change their minds very quickly: do not worry, these words are written by a man of order, supposedly Catholic, right-wing… and not by this journalist with progressive ideas. They can now resume their work of persecuting rappers, unionists, feminists, puppeteers, actors and left-wing activists. If you allow me, I will continue this humble article.

The author of these insults is the mayor of the Toledo city of Camuñas, who came to power at the head of the Popular Party candidacy. When, at the end of July, published the messages that Fernando Gallego Vega had written on the same X-Twitter account that he used as mayor, nothing happened. The PP looked the other way, hoping that the issue would have little media impact. It did not care about the seriousness of some tweets in which, in addition to the kings, it insulted half of Spain and embarrassed, I believe and hope, the other half as well. There was something for everyone.

Coup Messages: “The army on the streets now…”; “The Spanish army must be fed up. The least expected day, they will go out on the streets and it will all be over in the blink of an eye. International opinion? Does anyone care what Israel, Turkey, China, the United States, Canada and Russia are doing? “Everyone washes their dirty clothes at home.”.

Sexist insults against progressive policies: “She has the face of a slut who can’t take it anymore”; “They are suspected of living from the art of the sneaky pipe. The best way to promote without a doubt.

Racism: “For four fucking black men to come and paint our faces on our noses is to shame us.”

Attacks on the Civil Guard: “Mercenaries (…) It’s no surprise that this is the profession with the highest suicide rate”; “Fucking banknote collectors.”

Insults against their own leader: “Feijoo is a secret nationalist. Part of the plague”; “Another clown like Feijóo”; “Feijóo, for things like this, you will always be second fiddle.”

Sexual comments deserve a separate chapter. dedicated to young girls and less young girls who have exhibited their charms on the social network: “this is how you suck a cock”; “girl of my life, you lack nothing”; “suck”…

It was not until other media outlets such as The sixth They appeared in the city of Toledo when the case became a national scandal. Newspapers, radios and several televisions reported the content of the messages of the “patriotic” mayor, who was preparing to inaugurate a large Spanish flag in his city while on his networks he insulted kings and all the gods. The channel Four He gave it the finishing touch… or he gave it himself by starring in one of the most pathetic and surreal interviews in history. The mayor presented himself as another Camuñas resident who faithfully supported… his mayor: “He is a good person”, “He is our mayor and we love him”, “he has support”, “I guess the messages must come from his previous life” at the mayor’s office”, Fernando Gallego said without blushing to a journalist who did not seem to believe what she was hearing.

He lied, he is still mayor thanks to the PP and he has not even deleted the insults

The ridicule and the already unstoppable expectation of the media forced the PP to take measures. Gamarra or Martínez Almeida, in front of the television cameras, tore their clothes because of the mayor’s attitude. The PP of Castilla La Mancha announced its exclusion from the party. Gestures turned towards the gallery while more worrying things were happening in the back room. The next day, knowing that it would go more unnoticed, the PP was already talking about “preventive suspension of militancy”. The mayor, for his part, apologized for his messages, insisted that they were prior to his arrival at the city hall and announced that he had already deleted them.

The PP lied and so did its “patriotic” mayor. Two months after the scandal, Fernando Gallego remains in office and it is not even recorded that he has left the municipal group of the Popular Party. All the embarrassing messages that caused the scandal remain visible on his X-Twitter profile. He has not deleted them. There, it is still possible to confirm that several of the insults were published when he was already mayor and not “in his previous life”. Among them, in which he says that Felipe VI is a “lazy man led by a red woman (Letizia)”, in which he calls the president of the government a “shit”, in which he says “shit” to an American Democratic politician who suffered a violent attack or in which he makes various slimy comments on images shared by women. Most of the other atrocities were written before he was mayor, certainly, but when he was already a councilor of the Popular Party.

It is clear that we are facing a new case of political hypocrisy. The Popular Party is energetic against the corruption and fascist excesses of some of its officials while this issue occupies the attention of the media. Later, when the lights go out, it tries to pass the time and forget the issue in order to keep these characters in their place. This is the only way to explain why Fernando Gallego Vega continues to be mayor. The PP has 6 of the 9 councilors of the Camuñas City Hall. In public, the 5 councilors who are responsible for finishing him politically remain silent. In private, they support him, justify him and congratulate the rest of the neighbors that the press has already forgotten.

This Tuesday, the opposition will take advantage of the municipal plenary session to try to definitively portray both the mayor and the PP councilors who support him. I hope that on that day there will be spotlights and journalists in the room. Only then will there be a chance that the hypocrites will not get what they want.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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