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Mañueco approves more inheritance tax exemptions to ensure the future of the rural world

The Governing Council of the Junta de Castilla y León, which directs Alfonso Fernandez Manuecoapproved this Thursday new exemptions on inheritance and gift taxes for the rural world. This was announced at a press conference by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, who said that, specifically, the beneficiaries of the 99% reduction in the inheritance tax base for the acquisition of agricultural holdings were expanded.

In his speech, Fernández Carriedo clarified that this tax reduction will be extended to follow people:

  • Even collaterals due to consanguinity of fourth degree of the deceased.
  • Any individual purchaser that on the date of the deceased’s death, he had a full-time employment relationship within the agricultural holding with a minimum recognized seniority of three years.

As the advisor said, the purpose of this measure It is about promoting the continuity of agricultural activity in rural areas, avoiding the abandonment of farms. It also helps to ensure generational change in the countryside of Castilla y León.

Other tax reductions

The executive led by Alfonso Fernández Mañueco also agreed to reduce the minimal type of the autonomous scale Personal Income Tax (IRPF) from 9% to 8.5%which represents a reduction of half a point. “It is time to reduce taxes and offer the citizens of Castilla y León a more dignified life,” said Fernández Carriedo, who said that this measure makes the region the second autonomous community with the lowest minimum rate in Spain.

Fernández Carriedo also said that the Junta de Castilla y León had created a new tax advantage to facilitate the participation of young people. access to housing in the Autonomous Community. Thus, Fernández Carriedo indicated that there would be a super low rate of 3% in the form of expensive real estate transfers for the acquisition, by young people, of a habitual residence in an urban area of ​​the region and whose price is less than 150,000 euros. This new reduction is added to the one already in force for young people in rural areas of 0.01%. “In this way, Castilla y León becomes the autonomous community with the lowest taxes for young people in relation to the rental and purchase of a main residence,” said the political leader.

He also announced that his government would increase home rehabilitation deduction in rural areas for rent. Specifically, the percentage of deduction from personal income tax that applies to the rehabilitation of these dwellings is increased from 15% to 20%. “This improvement continues a dual objective of social and economic policy“On the one hand, to encourage the rehabilitation of existing housing stock in rural areas and, on the other hand, to facilitate access to it,” revealed the government councilor led by Alfonso Fernández Mañueco.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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