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HomeLatest NewsMañueco sees the Parliament of Castilla y León "on the right track"...

Mañueco sees the Parliament of Castilla y León “on the right track” and asks the PP “not to get lost”

Barely a year and a half before the date set for the regional elections in Castilla y León and when the political journey has just begun with the PP alone and a minority in the government of the Community after the departure of Vox, the president of the Board of Directors and of the PP in the Community, Alfonso Fernandez Manuecostressed this Saturday that believes that Parliament is “on the right track”. Of course, during the traditional meal after the summer holidays of the people of Burgos, Mañueco called on his people to be active: “Let’s not get lost”.

For this meeting in the regional elections and after the municipal elections, he stressed, there is still time, but also “lots of work to do”. And among the first objectives to be achieved, he clearly indicated thatThe “most important thing” is “to bring Alberto Nuñez Feijóo to La Moncloa”“And what’s more, we have to do it as soon as possible,” added Mañueco, convinced that the national president of the PP “is the only person capable of present a real alternativesolvent for Turn the page once and for all on sanchismo and lead a government that cares about the problems of the Spanish people. “We must put an end to the degradation of public life that Sánchez contaminates with his lies and corruption,” insisted the popular leader.

And in the face of “all his lies, all the corruption that surrounds him – Sánchez -” and that “cause a situation of degradation of the public life of our country”, he placed the PP. “We are totally distant from it.” “We are a government party that we know how to do things in small town halls, in big cities like Burgos, in provincial councils and also in the government of Castilla y León,” defended the popular leader.

“Political reference”

“It works” in the Communitystressed the popular leader, who insisted on defending that he has a “solid government that knows how to do things well from stability.” And he reminded his people that the PP is the “political reference” of the people of Castile and Leon, which is why he asked that the popular party respond to the “trust” placed in some cases, management based on “efficiency”.

“We We govern to be useful, with people in mind“, among young people, among the elderly, among workers and among business people of Castilla y León,” stressed the President of the Commission, who took the opportunity to looking for data that place the Community at the forefront in the provision of essential services – health, education or dependency – or in an economic key, such as the “41 consecutive months of increase in social security affiliation” or the growth of the gross domestic product. And here too, an express request to the Central Executive of Pedro Sánchez, to whom Mañueco reminded that “autonomous financing” is so that public services can reach the entire territory, so that everyone can benefit from these public services and not pay their pacts, “It’s a real shame.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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