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HomeBreaking NewsMany “two hundredths” are lying along the roads - 72nd Mechanized Infantry...

Many “two hundredths” are lying along the roads – 72nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade – EADaily, September 30, 2024 – Military news, Russian news

The Armed Forces of Ukraine will not hold out in Vugledar for more than two days; the situation there is incredibly difficult. Aidar’s military man reports this.* Stanislav Bunyatov.

“In Ugledar things are not improving, there is a lot of pressure (from the Russian Armed Forces). EADaily). I think the city has a couple of days left, but unfortunately it’s not in town at the moment. The situation is, to put it mildly, difficult. If before I doubted that it could be brought to such a state, now the doubts have been eliminated.” — Bunyatov writes on his Telegram channel.

When describing the situation in the city, he refers to a soldier from the 72nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade, who knows the situation very well and does not exaggerate. The source notes that the Russian army is assaulting Ugledar from three directions: Vodyanoy, Prechistovka and Pavlovka. The Russian Armed Forces have entered the south and west of the city, where intense fighting is currently taking place. According to him, the pedestrian street is well covered by the Russians with mortars and cannon artillery, a large number of drones are involved, both FPV and ordinary “reconnaissance” with launches, that is, the Russian Armed Forces are “controlling the entire route “. “

“On average, if a person leaves the city in 10 groups, they reach n. page**** 4-6. Command has been promising rotation for a week, but keeps delaying it due to external changes and telling me to wait. There is no evacuation, since the infantry fighting vehicles do not even have time to reach Ugledar, work is immediately underway on them, there are many heavy “three hundredths”, which are impossible to transport on foot with drones. And there are also many “two hundredths” lying on the roads. Food, ammunition and fuel are running out…” — writes Bunyatov’s source on the social network.

Food, ammunition and fuel are running out, he clarifies. According to a soldier from the 72nd brigade, the only option in this situation is to abandon positions and little by little leave at least those who can do so.

As reported today EADailyFighters of the Vostok troop group, unexpectedly for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, stormed into Ugledar from the west and knocked down the enemy from skyscrapers. This was reported by the Telegram channel “Military Correspondents of the Russian Spring.” The fighters raised the Russian flag in this part of the city.

*Terrorist organization banned on the territory of the Russian Federation.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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