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HomeEntertainment NewsMarc Ferracci, close to Emmanuel Macron, appointed to the industry

Marc Ferracci, close to Emmanuel Macron, appointed to the industry

It is difficult to be closer to Emmanuel Macron than to Marc Ferracci within the Barnier government. The new Minister of Industry is a faithful supporter of the President of the Republic, or better still, a close friend. The two men, born two days apart in December 1977, have known each other since their studies at Sciences Po in 1999. The Head of State was his best man at his wedding to Sophie Ferracci, who managed Minister Macron’s office at Bercy in 2016. Marc Ferracci witnessed his union with Brigitte Macron.

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A member of the Renaissance Parliament for French Abroad since 2022, a graduate of HEC and a doctor of economic sciences, Marc Ferracci was one of the authors of candidate Macron’s employment programme in 2017. During the first five years, he was special advisor to Muriel Pénicaud at the Ministry of Labour – where he participated in the drafting of labour regulations and the first reform of unemployment insurance – and then economic advisor to Jean Castex at Matignon.

The 46-year-old labour economist, who is on the social-liberal left, often cites the flexicurity of Scandinavian countries as an example. His father, Pierre Ferracci, also close to Emmanuel Macron, runs the company Alpha, a powerful advisory group for works councils.

Reindustrialization mission

Marc Ferracci thus joined the citadel of Bercy, under the supervision of the young Minister of the Economy and Finance, Antoine Armand (33), responsible for industry. His predecessor in the Attal government, Roland Lescure, had inherited the double portfolio of industry and energy, a strategic rapprochement requested and obtained at the time by Bruno Le Maire. In Barnier’s team, energy management returns to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, entrusted to another Macronist MP, Olga Givernet, under the supervision of Agnès Pannier-Runacher, who returns to the Roquelaure hotel.

Marc Ferracci will be in charge of France’s reindustrialisation policy, one of the issues frequently raised by the government for three years, with the aim of decarbonising the economy by 2050. “For the first time in decades, France is opening more factories than it is closing, creating more industrial jobs than it is destroying (…) The decarbonisation of industry is underway and the development of green industry is accelerating.”greeted Roland Lescure in a statement published on Saturday afternoon, September 21, following the announcement of the new government.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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