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HomeLatest NewsMargarita Robles calls Maduro government a "dictatorship"

Margarita Robles calls Maduro government a “dictatorship”

The Minister of Defense, Marguerite Robleswas the first official in Pedro Sánchez’s cabinet to speak out about the latest attack in Venezuela hours after the regime Nicolas Maduro declared “war” on Spain in the mouth of the president of the ANational Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodriguez, brother of Delcy Rodriguez. This Thursday, Margarita Robles described the regime of Nicolas Maduro as “dictatorship”, reminding all Venezuelan men and women that “They had to leave their country.”

This is how the minister expressed herself in her speech during the presentation of Julia Navarro’s novel. The boy who lost the war, which took place at the Ateneo de Madrid, where the former president of the government was present as a participant Felipe Gonzalezthe judge Manuel Marchena and the recently appointed President of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), Isabelle Perelloamong other personalities.

It was at the time when we were talking about the totalitarianism revealed in Julia Navarro’s novel that the minister decided to send a “I remember the men and women of Venezuela who had to leave their country, precisely for the dictatorship they live under“, which caused the applause of those present.

In this context, Margarita Robles also mentioned the opponent Edmundo González who is in Spain after leaving Venezuela at his own request to seek asylum. Precisely, Pedro Sánchez,
This Thursday, he filmed himself walking through the gardens of La Moncloa, with the winner of the elections in Venezuela, Edmundo González. The president of the government received the opponent of Nicolas Maduro, who requested asylum in Spain, a few hours after refusing in the Congress of Deputies to recognize him as the elected president of Venezuela.

The diet of Nicolas Maduro protested against the approval by the Congress of Deputies of an initiative aimed at recognizing Edmundo Gonzalez as elected president of Venezuela, with the vote against the PSOE. Venezuelan AssemblyThe , in the hands of the Chavistas, reacted in the mouths of the deputies loyal to Maduro, calling the initiative of the PP a declaration of “war”. Spain was even called a “colonial power in decline” and calls were made to “confront the Spanish empire 200 years later” and break off all diplomatic and commercial relations.

“Venezuela finds itself once again facing the Spanish empire 200 years later,” said MP Juan Romero (PSUV/Zulia) after the debate in the National Assembly where they voted to unanimously reject “the interference of the extreme right of the Spanish Congress,” ignoring the re-election of President Nicolás Maduro in the July 28 elections.

According to Romero, “the imperialist actions of the Spanish extreme right against Venezuela are repeated.” In addition, he stressed that “historically, Venezuela has defended its right to self-determination of peoples and respect for sovereignty.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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