Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 10:54 pm
HomeTop Stories"Maria Corina Machado is not completely safe"

“Maria Corina Machado is not completely safe”

Fernando AranconDirector of ‘The World Order’, analysis on Sexta Noticias the departure of Edmundo González from VenezuelaSpain welcoming the opponent in his political exile. Arancón believes that with this exile, González “assumes that he cannot return.” “Venezuelan opponents of all kinds have already arrived in Madrid and, finally, a community of political leaders is being created. They were expelled because the situation is untenable,” he recalls.

About the situation of Maria Corina Machadosays that even though she was not a candidate, “she is unofficially the leader” of the Venezuelan opposition. Although she is “more protected in popular terms,” ​​Arancón remembers that María Corina was “hidden for a few days” after the elections.It’s not safe“, she insists, predicting “complicated weeks” for him.

Arancón affirms that this asylum “has been managed for weeks”, commenting on the problems and doubts of Edmundo González with the Venezuelan courts and the evidence that would give him victory in the elections: “What the Venezuelan courts are trying to do is that he brings the evidence, but Edmundo thinks that is the case a kind of trap“.

“The government has the possibility of recognizing a state or a government. It could do it, but it was done with Guaidó and that puts you in a very complicated situation. You consider that a government is not legitimate. With Guaidó, the move went rather badly“adds Arancón.




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