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HomeLatest NewsMaria Patino's request to Mercedes Mila that she won't like

Maria Patino’s request to Mercedes Mila that she won’t like

“No way we were” It hit the screens in May 2024 and left no one indifferent. With a team made up of the same creators and collaborators who led the historic “Sálvame” to success, the program has generated both expectations and criticism. However, the opinion that has made the most noise so far is that of Mercedes Milawho did not hesitate to express his disagreement.

The former “Big Brother” presenter has confessed that the new TEN programme is “too much” like “Sálvame”. In one of his latest interviews, he said: “I started watching it, but I don’t like it. It’s too similar to “Sálvame” and I was expecting more creativity. “It’s not enough to let yourself go, you have to be more original.” These words quickly provoked a strong reaction from the team of “Ni que fueramos” itself. María Patiño took it upon herself to respond firmly to Milá, but without losing her cool.

The Galician is always ready to show her face and he was quick to react to Mercedes Milá’s comments. From the set of his television show, he told her: “Every night I go to bed, I think about how to do something different. But to have a fair criterion, we should watch the program more” These words, spoken without hesitation, show that Patiño not only defends his work, but also defends his colleagues.

Maria Patino gives explanations

María Patiño was honest and acknowledged that a large part of the team of “Ni que fuerámos” is made up of the same people who made “Sálvame”. Exactly, he said: “This program, in essence, is the people of ‘Save me’. My personality is not going to change, but I don’t share the same vision as Milá.

Mercedes Milá at an event. (Photo: Gtres)

What is surprising is that not all collaborators completely disagree with Mercedes Milá’s criticism. Belén Esteban admitted that, to a certain extent, she understood the veteran presenter’s point of view. “I agree with her because this program is very similar to ‘Save me’. But it is also true that we have an incredible creative team that manages to surprise every day.

The talk showwho has closely followed the evolution of both programs, made it clear that while the format may seem similar, he is convinced that the team’s creative ability will make the difference in the long run. According to him, Mercedes’ criticisms are valideven if they do not take anything away from the daily effort that the team makes to continue to captivate the public.

The request of Maria Patino

Far from being alone in defending his work, María Patiño decided to change her answersoftening the tone and showing a more conciliatory attitude towards Mercedes Milá. He acknowledged that the competition to attract a wider audience is constant and that the challenge of winning the approval of iconic figures like Milá is part of the television game.More will have to be done to attract more public and also Mercedes Milá. We will try to catch you!

The surprise came when the presenter of “Ni que fuerámos” decided to publicly invite Mercedes Mila to tour the entire program. “Maybe you can help us grow,” he suggested. He also pointed out that the team is working with limited resources and what they are able to do with those means is admirable.What is done on this board with the resources we have is pure magic.. If better magic can be done, here we are.

Will Milá accept the offer to visit the program and give them her advice? What is clear is that María Patiño’s request This left no one indifferent.

How did “Not Even That We Were” begin?

The origin of “Not even that we were” dates back to when “Salvame” was cancelled in 2023, after 14 years old of success on Telecinco. The channel’s decision to close the program left several of its collaborators and managers without a clear direction. However, far from giving up, the team decided to create a new space that had the ambition of bringing something new to the television schedule. This is how “Not Even What We Were” was born, a magazine with a similar tone and stylebut with the promise of evolving and adapting to new times.

Since its premiere, The program has generated mixed opinions. While some see it as a natural continuation of “Sálvame”, others hope that over time it will differentiate itself and offer something truly new. Mercedes Milá’s reviews They were not the first, but they were the most energetic.

The words of Maria Patino They suggest that the team of “Ni que fuerámos” is not closed to the possibility of changing its format. The presenter seems to be aware of this, in order to continue conquering the public and gaining the approval of such influential figures as Mercedes Milá. Now we just have to know what the former leader of the ‘GH‘.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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