Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 4:19 pm
HomeLatest NewsMaria Pombo moves SuaveFest from the Infanta Palace to the Boadilla fairgrounds...

Maria Pombo moves SuaveFest from the Infanta Palace to the Boadilla fairgrounds under pressure from environmentalists

Suave Fest, the musical event organized by content prescriber María Pombo, will finally not take place at the Infante Don Luis Palace in Boadilla del Monte, after criticism from environmental groups. The heritage complex is a protected space, so the concerts will be moved to the fairgrounds in the same municipality.

This is what Pombo indicated this Wednesday on his social networks, where he confirmed that Juan Magán will be the headliner and that the final date is September 14. The “influencer” assures that she made this decision to “not generate controversy with any group.”

In his statement, he explains that the Suave Fest organization worked last month with the Boadilla City Council to find “the best location”: “At no time did we want to generate controversy and we have been talking with the City Council for some time to find a place where everyone is comfortable: the buses, the people of Boadilla and all the participants. The fairground, he assures, is a place very close to the original.

With Magan, performances are planned during this SuaveFest by Chimbala, Pol 3.14 or Luc Loren, in the atmosphere of the Cirque des Merveilles and in the presence of a surprise artist whose identity will be revealed on the day of the event.

In addition, the new space will extend the hours of the event, which begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday until 3 p.m. on Sunday 15. It will offer participants the opportunity to change, whenever they wish, their return time without having to create new procedures and without additional costs.

On August 19, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment, Rocío Albert, indicated that the Community was studying “possible alternatives” for the festival.

Previously, the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and the Spanish Office had asked the Boadilla del Monte City Council to send documentation to “be able to assess the impact, or not, and the viability, if any, of the aforementioned event on the palace and gardens.” , both BIC said.

In any case, the organization suggested to the local government that, as has happened with other events approved in this general direction, it be planned for the SuaveFest festival “an independent space without access to the palace and its gardens, to ensure its protection”, as they explained to Ep sources from the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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