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Maria Zamora receives the National Cinema Award and asks Urtasun for a “courageous” law

Producer Maria Zamora received the National Cinema Award from the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, on Saturday, whom she urged to protect cinema “tooth and nail”, through a “courageous, independent, egalitarian, inclusive and diverse” cinema.

“This will be our legacy for future generations,” said the producer during an event held at the Tabakalera Cultural Center, as part of the San Sebastian Festival, in the presence of colleagues such as director Paula Ortiz, actress Marta Nieto, and screenwriter Elias León Siminiani.

Similarly, he advocated that the independent producer “a more precise definition” in the Cinema Law since it is “the true guarantor of the diversity and independence of the audiovisual sector.” María Zamora also expressed her gratitude to her fellow producers and to all those in the producers’ associations who defend “cinema in theaters, diversity and the probability of languages.”

María Zamora stressed that the previous winners are professionals she admires “deeply,” which is why she received the minister’s call with surprise and had to “reflect on the imposter syndrome” that accompanies many women throughout their careers, regardless of their achievements or age.”

At the same time, he stressed the importance of “generating references”, whether they are directors, screenwriters or producers, so that they “pave the way for those who come after”. “This made me understand that on the issue of equality, it is not enough to agree, we must act”, he stressed, while encouraging all men and women in the audiovisual industry to “fight for an egalitarian filmography and for”. institutions to follow the path already started with quota policies.

Zamora recalled that it was in the late 90s that he discovered “the true power of cinema” and that it “could change people’s lives”. “European cinema of that time opened the doors to worlds I did not know. Cinema as a reflection of the society in which we live, which brings us closer to each other, even if we are thousands of kilometers away, both physically and culturally. “, he said. added.

He also welcomed the recent initiative to bring schools closer to cinemas because, he said, “Cinema and education must go hand in hand to keep the average citizen connected, so that you feel the same pride when you see Almodóvar winning the Golden Lion as when La Roja wins the European Cup.” “Our filmmakers are also a brand of Spain, they must be protected and preserved like a museum piece, because they constitute the cultural wealth of our country,” he said.

The first to speak was Siminiani, who praised María Zamora, with whom he has worked on two occasions, and for her “competence and cunning” in achieving what is proposed in the sector, which has led him “to break through glass ceilings, endogamies and democratic yokes.” “You haveA project that gives cinema back the predominant place it should have in the cultural debate. Its aim is to contribute to the cultural world and to society,” he said.

For his part, Ernest Urtasun highlighted the feminism of María Zamora, which has allowed other women to enter the film industry. In addition, he praised the “extensive” film catalog of the winner and said that production is a “little visible but fundamental link” and admitted that it constitutes an “indispensable” support for any production.

“With your work, you have valued the talent of many women, contributing to the inequalities, violence and discrimination that still persist, but that together we all have the obligation to overcome. Women like you have moved forward together, with magnificent films that each go further, and with stories necessary to understand the world in its fullness,” he said.

Likewise, he highlighted the strong bond that María Zamora created with the directors she worked with, at the same time as recalling the jury’s decision. “We award this prize to María Zamora for Strengthening the presence of independent Spanish cinema in the international market, influencing sensitive, diverse and timely perspectives,” he commented.




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