Home Entertainment News Marijuana grow hookups skyrocket 38% in Almería

Marijuana grow hookups skyrocket 38% in Almería

Marijuana grow hookups skyrocket 38% in Almería

THE Andalusian left takes years criminalize has energy companies due to power outages occurring in certain areas of the community. Podemos, IU, Adelante Andalusia and other left-wing groups are trying to target companies like Endesawhich, however, continues to invest millions of euros to strengthen its systems and thus avoid power cuts caused by a reality that the left hides: marijuana plantations.

And since the beginning of the year and until October, energy fraud in the province of Almeria exceeded 28.2 million kilowatt hours, of which 12.3 million are linked to marijuana plantations. That is to say that 43% of illegal connections of the province of Almeria aim to drug production.

In fact, the energy diverted by marijuana crops has recorded a 38% increase compared to the same period of the previous year, increasing from 8.8 million kilowatt hours in 2023 to 12.3 million in 2024, as reported Endesa.

The power company pointed out that “indoor marijuana grows represent high demand, such as 80 homes simultaneously consuming power at maximum power 24 hours a day.” “This situation causes the saturation of electrical networksassuming a health and safety issue of the people “who live in these environments, who see the quality of the electricity supply diminished and are faced with dangerous situations”, they have since indicated Endesa.

“Fraud kills”

“Fraud kills”, that’s how insistently he expressed it the general director of Endesa Networks, José María Revuelta. In his statement, he stressed that the manipulation of electrical installations for practices such as the cultivation of marijuana represents a “serious problem”.

Revolt stressed that this type of activity, as well as the overload of the distribution network due to its exorbitant consumption, constitute the “main reason for supply reductions” which are recorded in neighborhoods with the highest concentration of marijuana plantations.

In the same spirit, the general director of Endesa Networks explained how “at a time when the state security forces and agencies are carrying out actions against the marijuana plantations “The effect on the distribution networks is immediate, with a reduction in the overload of electrical installations and therefore in incidents.”

“A clear example of this is the effect that the National Police’s Operation Vulcano had in the neighborhood of The three thousand houses of Seville for shootings with AK47 firearms”, he added. As Endesa indicated, after the seizure of marijuana plantations by the National Police, in the area there was a decrease in the charge processing centers by 40 percent in some cases, and thanks to this reduction, incidents decreased by 47 percent in the six processing centers most affected by network overload.

“The cause and effect of drug in distribution networks is intrinsically linked and affected not only towards the company and its workers, but also and above all towards to customers who have a supply contract in force», They assured the electricity company.

Likewise, they encounter supply problems not caused by lack of energy, “but by an excess of fraudulent energy requestand with manipulated installations that could present a danger to the safety of people.

In the case of Almeria This problem is detected especially in neighborhoods such as El Puche, Los Almendros or Pescaderia“where numerous cases of fires linked to manipulation of electrical installations have been recorded in recent years”.

“Added to this is the increase in violence in those areas where organized mafias operate, as was evident after the images with weapons of war that were seen recently in areas with a high rate of plantations of drug“. “This violence is not only suffered by neighbors, but also by the company’s own workers,” Endesa stressed.


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