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HomeLatest NewsMario Picazo confirms the date

Mario Picazo confirms the date

THE Snow will arrive in Spain on this exact dayMario Picazo confirms the date that everyone was waiting for and that has finally become a reality. We are facing a series of changes that could end up being those that mark a before and after in a struggle to see this autumn arrive that seems to leave signs of change. Without a doubt, we have before us a series of elements that will end up becoming a new reality.

These are times of stability and new challenges, of searching for that sun that, although it is present, can be accompanied by hurricane-force winds or moments in which we will have to be very attentive to a sky that arrives with important news. We must think about what awaits us and what we will soon have to face. A significant weather change awaits us and can have unexpected consequences for everyone. That moment will have arrived when it will be necessary to prepare the jacket and almost the coat to go see the first snows of the season.

Mario Picazo confirms the date when the cold will arrive

Bad weather will eventually become a reality. Whether we like it or not, we are facing an unusual situation, which could well be the one that will accompany us in the days ahead. That moment will have arrived when we will see a series of exceptional phenomena follow one another.

This is the moment of truth, to address some elements that perhaps we had not seen coming until now. Without a doubt, the time will come to listen to the forecasts of a Mario Picazo who knows very well what awaits us and how to face it.

This expert warns us that changes will come unexpectedly, that we will be attentive to a sky that seems to affect us at full speed and that is perhaps the one that makes the difference. It has been a long time since we expected snow in mid-September that seems to make us think about everything that awaits us.

Autumn seems to be coming early, Mario Picazo is very clear on what date we should see the first snowfalls arrive, which will be a letter of introduction for what awaits us.

Spain is preparing for snow on this very day

Mario Picazo is one of the experts who, from the Weather Channel, invites us to look at a thermometer that changes sometimes. This Friday, we will notice a marked drop in temperatures: “After the storms and storms. cold air incursion that we have experienced in the Mediterranean, high pressures will once again dominate the weather landscape for the next few days to stabilize the weather and raise temperatures. However, between Friday and Saturday we could still see persistent instability with precipitation in some areas. “Temperatures, which will experience a sudden drop in the next few hours, will rise again from Saturday and Sunday, with a further considerable increase in many areas of Spain.”

This weekend it seems that the situation will begin to change, as these experts tell us: “The storm Boris, which is forming in northern Italy, will mark the weather in Europe in the coming days. Formed following the incursion of cold air towards the south, it will leave unstable weather in the Mediterranean and central Europe, with temperatures that will remain cool. It can be said that Boris will suddenly bring autumn to a large part of the continent. In Spain, its consequences will be tangential, at least for the first few days, since the storm will move towards the northeast from Italy.

This storm could be a prelude to an earlier autumn: “Storm Boris is currently forming in the northwestern region of Italy. It will deepen rapidly, reaching a minimum pressure of just under 1,000 hPa. Thus, Storm Boris will be very deep for this time of year and its consequences will be proportionate.

The experts of the El Tiempo channel are very clear about what awaits us: “In principle, storm Boris will not affect Spain. It is located far to the east in the Mediterranean and its range of action is limited. Spain will be affected by the colder air mass that descends on Europe, but it will not see rain associated with the storm. However, next week, when the storm has dissipated, the remaining pocket of cold air could retrograde towards the west. In this movement, it would reach the peninsula, which could destabilize the weather in Spain, as well as cause temperatures to drop again.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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