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HomeBreaking NewsMarlaska "ignores" Ábalos' questions and defends the "legality" of the Interior in...

Marlaska “ignores” Ábalos’ questions and defends the “legality” of the Interior in the pandemic

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The Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaskaassured this Monday in León that he “ignored” the questions registered by the former socialist José Luis Ábalos in the Congress of Deputies about a civil guard that would have controlled access to the Ministry of Transport during his term at the head of this department.

“I don’t know what questions Mr. Abalos As an MP, we will answer all these questions in due course and I can only confirm the full legality of any Interior Ministry official in any of the efforts during Covid, before and after Covid,” he said.

Deportation of the Sahrawis

This was how he expressed himself during the celebration of the Day of Mercy at the Leonese prison of Mansilla de las Mulas, during which he also reported that the Sahrawi activists with Moroccan passports who remained at Barajas airport and who will be expelled They are not “international protection creditors”.

“Respect at all times for national and international legality is the framework within which we operate. They will be expelled or sent back all those who, in accordance with the law, have not been considered creditors of international protection and always with judicial ratification in this regard,” he added.

3.2 million

The Minister of the Interior announced an investment of 3.2 million euros in the Mansilla de las Mulas prison in León and demonstrated the ministry’s “absolute commitment” to all civil servants and to guaranteeing their safety.

“My commitment to the prison officials group, more than 25,000 men and women who do exceptional work in the reintegration of people deprived of their liberty to ensure that they can, once they have served their sentence, live in society,” he stressed.

He also recalled that they carry out “other essential tasks” such as “the management of more than 40,000 alternative sentences to custodial sentences”“We have been offering major public employment opportunities for six years, more than 6,000 positions have been filled and the last one barely exceeds 1,000,” he said.

He also stressed that the record number of 25,000 civil servants and 70,000 prisoners has been reached. and that now it does not reach 50,000 in the 81 Spanish penitentiary centers. And he called for work on the infrastructure of all prison centres and for “investment in training”.

“Our commitment is to continue working and deepening to ensure that civil servants benefit from the best professional conditions and for prisoners, the existence of all work plans for their resocialization.” he settled.




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