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HomeBreaking News"Marlaska is silent, but these children are the terrorists of tomorrow"

“Marlaska is silent, but these children are the terrorists of tomorrow”

He United Police Union (SUP), the majority party in the Corps, sent a letter to the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, in which it criticises one of the activities organised during the festivals in the Barcelona city of Granollers: the throwing Molotov cocktails at a mannequin dressed as a police officer.

In the brochure that promoted it, it was listed as “Urban Guerrilla Techniques”. The city council, governed by the Catalan branch of the PSOE, the PSC, issued a statement in which it assured that it was not aware of the call for this activity.

In fact, the councilor of Granollers, Alba Barnusellbrought together his entire team for several hours to address this controversy.

Today, SUP alerts Marlaska of its “deep concern” regarding “the use of minors to spread hate speech and foster divisions in our society.” And they urge the minister to implement “strict and effective measures, criminal or administrative,” to prevent it, as well as to stop the spread of hate speech.

“It is essential to establish mechanisms that nip these behaviors in the bud,” says the Unified Police Union, which urges Marlaska to “not to be silent” in situations like these “and which, unfortunately, have multiplied in recent times.”

As shown in videos posted on social media, teenagers participated in the activity, organized by one of the municipality’s clubs, throwing wooden bottles simulating Molotov cocktails, which are homemade incendiary bombs regularly used by radical groups in their clashes with the State Security Forces and Corps (FCSE).

In the letter that EL ESPAÑOL had access to, the union says it is “worried to see how certain groups, in their quest to achieve their political or ideological objectives, use the manipulation of young people and children“.

“The terrorists of tomorrow”

“Let us give you a thought,” the SUP asks the minister. “The children who are having fun today throwing stones at a doll dressed as a policeman They are the terrorists of tomorrow“, warns the organization.

As other trade union associations have already done, the letter stresses that these young people, on a regular basis, “are exposed to extremist ideologies and teachings which seek to instill in them feelings of hatred towards other groups, in particular the FCSE”.

“Their participation in hateful activities can not only cause profound and irreversible damage to their psychological and emotional development, but it also perpetuates a cycle of violence and division that affects the whole of societyd”, explains the union.

“It is our duty, especially as institutional representatives, to protect minors and guarantee their right to grow up in a safe environment, free from any form of manipulation or indoctrination,” the letter states.

Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska in an archive image.

Then, let us recall that the recent history of Spain includes episodes of “generated hatred” against the forces and security organs of the State. Above all, in the Basque Country during the validity of ETA and in Catalonia from the water of process independence.

“This hatred is rooted in indoctrination that undermines the principle of authority in a free society,” concludes the SUP. “It is crucial to strengthen the existing legal framework to ensure that those who exploit minors for these purposes are brought to justice and receive appropriate sanctions,” says the union organization, which extends its hand to the minister to, “in a common effort,” create an environment “free of hatred and division.”




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