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HomeBreaking NewsMartyr Emin Abbaszade, whose coffin wrapped in a tricolor flag was brought...

Martyr Emin Abbaszade, whose coffin wrapped in a tricolor flag was brought to the groom’s room instead of a dowry

My son refused to get permission to participate in his wedding, went to war and was martyred.

This was stated by Narmina Abbasova, mother of martyr Emin Abbaszade, who died during the local anti-terrorist measures, the first anniversary of which was celebrated, to an employee of the Karabakh Reporting Office.

According to him, his belongings are kept in the master bedroom prepared for his son:

“Last year, on September 17, there was a wedding of girls. My son had chosen his fiancé from the Jalilabad region. No matter how much we insisted, he did not get permission to participate in the wedding, he said, my soldiers are there. I should be with them. After the girl’s wedding, we took my fiancé and returned, reaching Tartar at 3 am. My son was martyred the next day.

On the 19th of the month we were preparing to collect the dowry items that would be taken from the girl’s house to the bride and groom’s room. But this dream did not come true. Instead of a dowry, a coffin wrapped in a tricolour flag was brought to the groom’s room.

In his room there is now a photograph of the message that E. Abbaszade sent to his wife a few hours before he was martyred: “My dear wife, I always love you and it will be so. If something happens to me, you are a daughter of the house and always keep my name high. Entrust yourself to God.”

It should be noted that Emin Abbaszade is the President for his bravery in the 44-day Homeland War. Ilham Aliyev The corresponding order awarded him the medals “For the Liberation of Sugovusha” and “Participant of the Patriotic War”, as well as the third degree order “For Service to the Fatherland” after his martyrdom.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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