Home Breaking News Massanassa Town Hall becomes an improvised field hospital due to the disappearance...

Massanassa Town Hall becomes an improvised field hospital due to the disappearance of its health center

Massanassa Town Hall becomes an improvised field hospital due to the disappearance of its health center

The town of Massanassa (Valencia) is one of the most affected by DANA, in fact, it has lost their health center. It is for this reason that the upper floor of the town hall became a improvised field hospitalwho rests neither night nor day and is capable of moving the seriously injured through the mud, at a time when Medical care is more necessary than ever.

Pediatrician María Beneyto defined the establishment as “a urgent care center for anything that happens.” Mario, a volunteer emergency technician, assured that the incidents they deal with the most are “people’s fracturesbecause as there is a lot of mud, there are people who put their feet where they should not. Also scratches with glass“We carried out superficial healings because, of course, this is not a field hospital where you can do the right thing.”

But being a center that operates thanks to volunteers and with adequate resources, it is overwhelmed. “It took me an hour to find a doctor, because everything collapsed between the big machines and the people removing the mud. “It was impossible to find a doctor,” said Manuel, who is looking for medicine for his mother.

But the operation of this hospital would not be possible without volunteers like Bruno Recha, who He uses his 4×4 to transport the injured: “They coordinate us from here from the Town Hall. They tell us 4x4s and we are also coordinated and that, and we immediately manage to be of service to whatever we can.”

Whatever you can, however you can, because right now it’s the only option


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