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Mayor urges Ministry of Transportation to create third lane of A-5 for Talavera

The mayor of Talavera de la Reina, José Julián Gregorio, explained to the Director General of Highways of the Ministry of Transport, Juan Pedro Fernández, the need for Talavera to have the third lane of the A-5 to relieve traffic congestion that extends from Madrid, as reported by the city council in a statement.

This was stated after the meeting he had with the director, which was attended by the councilor for urban planning, Benedicto García, and the general director of highways of the Community Commission of Castilla-La Mancha, David Merino.

Gregorio explained that for Talavera this project is of the utmost importance. “and it is absolutely necessary to avoid traffic jams towards Madrid”which would be mitigated with the extension of the track.

On the other hand, the mayor was also interested in the splitting of the city entrance, since one part corresponds to the Ministry, and it is necessary that the agreement signed between the Ministry and the Authority be respected for the second phase of the project to start the project, while the first part has already been completed.

In addition, the Humanization Plan project was addressed to improve some sections of the passage of the old N-502, which is assigned to the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, New Generation, and whose work has already been awarded. It also requested the cleaning of the surroundings of the monument to the Battle of Talavera, located on the A-5.

The information about the meeting coincided with the announcement of the Municipal Socialist Group, which will present at each ordinary plenary session a positive project for the city, because “We have a backpack full of proposals.”

This was highlighted by his advisor José Gutiérrez, who recalled that “we come from a government, that of Tita García, which put on the table powerful projects for the city” and that now “we find ourselves with a mayor who does not work and who has no proposals for Talavera. Proof of this is that “their only novelty this summer was to put a cane in a cane holder”, reports the PSOE in a statement.

Gutiérrez said that from the Socialist Group “we continue to have projects and ideas for Talavera and we will put them on the mayor’s table every month.” This September, with the improvement of the air conditioning of the early childhood and primary education centers, as well as the BIOS Special Education Center.

The advisor recalled that “We are at a transcendental moment for Talavera”and “the decisions taken today will mark the future of the city.” Thus, he gave as an example the burying of the high-speed train, since “the minister announced that the decisions regarding this infrastructure would be taken in the first week of September” and “we hope that the mayor, if it was not yesterday and it is not today either: “Tomorrow, be at the ministry to meet with the minister and demand the burial of the AVE when it passes through Talavera.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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