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HomeBreaking NewsMazahir Efendiyev: "The Second Karabakh War made it possible for our country...

Mazahir Efendiyev: “The Second Karabakh War made it possible for our country to restore international law”

“Today, under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, special attention is paid to the socio-economic development of all regions of Azerbaijan, a consistent and sustainable policy is being implemented to improve the well-being of the people of Azerbaijan and ensure access to achievements in all fields.”

This Oku.AzThe deputy of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan in his statement Mazahir Efendiyev saying.

He said that in 2020, the liberation of our people’s land from occupation for the first time in the Second Karabakh War resulted in a qualitatively new stage of regional governance.

“Rapid measures have been taken to restore and reconstruct the districts located in the Karabakh Economic Zone, which have been under occupation for almost 30 years and at the same time have been destroyed.

The main goal of the Republic of Azerbaijan was to preserve peace in the South Caucasus, fully restore Azerbaijan’s sovereignty, implement universal and universal documents accepted by international organizations and turn peace into a long-term process.

From this point of view, it is no coincidence that the reconstruction, restoration and beautification works carried out day and night by our country in the territories liberated from occupation over the past three years and shown to the whole world were carried out directly under the supervision of President Ilham Aliyev. Of course, every work carried out, every step taken was calculated to a logical conclusion.

Thus, our activities aimed at restoring our lands and sovereignty over the past 30 years were crowned with the cleansing of the ancient city of Khankendi from separatists on September 20, 2023, after the Second Karabakh War, which ended in November 2020. As the head of the country said in his speech at the opening of the Karabakh University on September 20 in Khankendi: “With the Second Karabakh War and the anti-terrorist operation, Azerbaijan not only re-established international law, but also restored its national pride and proved to the whole world that injustice cannot last forever.”

Mr. Efendiyev noted that this year our people celebrate with great enthusiasm and pride the 20th of September, which is of special importance for us, as the Day of State Sovereignty, according to the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan:

“On this significant day, the visit of President Ilham Aliyev to the city of Khankendi, where he learned about the conditions created at the newly established Karabakh University and met with professors and young students, clearly demonstrates the value that our Head of State attaches to science, education, as well as peace, stability and progress.

In general, ensuring inclusiveness in human resource training, managing new technologies and innovations, and mastering the specific characteristics of the region are among the key conditions for excellent management as well as for current challenges.

“Thus, on the Day of State Sovereignty, Karabakh University began its activities, on the one hand, by investigating the hooliganism committed against Azerbaijan in the history of Azerbaijan, studying our history together with the valor of the brave and heroic sons of our people. On the other hand, training personnel who will become guarantors of the sustainable and future development of Azerbaijan based on new and modern challenges will allow achieving specialization of our youth.

“There is no doubt that our proud and strong people, the patriotic youth of Azerbaijan, must read well and receive quality education in order to perpetuate our victories and sovereignty and from now on reach new heights, continue the visionary policy of the invincible Azerbaijani leader, the writings of our glorious history, for the sake of a greater Azerbaijan must continue their struggle with determination,” the MP added.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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