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Mazón and Navarro speak for 3 hours “in good harmony” about the medical degree of the University of Alicante

The president of the Generalitat Valenciana Carlos Mazon and the Rector of the University of Alicante (UA) Amparo Navarro They held a three-hour meeting on Monday, the main theme of which was Degree in Medicine from the University of Alicante. A dialogue “in good harmony“, which has a different meaning: it is the first time that they address the issue face to face while waiting for the High Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJCV) to rule on the validity or invalidity of the decree that the socialist signed in his time Ximo Puig to implement this degree in medicine at the aforementioned University of Alicante. A decreeriddled with errors” according to the current Valencian government, which is why, at the beginning of the summer, it was forced to relax the procedure.

However, according to sources close to the meeting, the medical degree from the University of Alicante was not the only point of the meeting, but Carlos Mazón and Amparo Navarro also spoke about other issues of interest to both parties.

Ximo Puig approved the teaching of the medical degree at the University of Alicante in 2022. The Miguel Hernández University of Elche then initiated proceedings against this decision at the judicial level. In this procedure the Generalitat appeared, still chaired by Ximo Puig.

Before the summer of 2024, the Generalitat, already governed by Carlos Mazón, decided to settle down. Because based on the conclusions of his legal teams, he considered that The process led by the government of Ximo Puig was “riddled with errors” which, far from benefiting, could harm not only the University of Alicante, but also the medical students, who already number 172: those in the first and second year. The only ones, so far.

Since then, and pending the decision of the TSJCV, Carlos Mazón had already announced that, in any case, Medical students at the University of Alicante have the guarantee of continuity of their studies. And that, if the TSJCV finally determines that Ximo Puig’s decree was granted poorly, hastily or in violation of any part of the process, the Generalitat of Carlos Mazón will relaunch it.

Furthermore, Mazón proposed the creation of a interuniversity campus between the University of Alicante and the Miguel Hernández de Elcheto ensure education at the highest level with inter-university diploma titles for students from both universities and with rational use of public resources.

Mazón has already announced that he will meet this Monday with the rector of the University of Alicante during the general policy debate held in the Valencian Parliament. The meeting lasted three hours. Those who go from seven in the afternoon to ten in the evening. And the feelings are positive. A “good harmony” resulting from dialogue.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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