The president of the PPCV and the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazonmanaged to take the lead in the Valencian Cortes two measures of draft at the beginning of the first political journey after Vox left its autonomous government. These are the decree-law on tourist accommodation and the increase in civil servants’ salaries.
Although the representatives of Santiago Abascal’s party have already supported another standard presented by the popular, the decree of administrative simplification, they now reject the increase in salaries of the Administration staff, arguing that it goes against their position on public positions, claiming that “puts them in the same bag” as civil servants.
However, in this case, Mazón reached the voice necessary in the ranks of the opposition and both socialists as Commitments They supported him in the regional parliament.
On the horizon of the current legislature, the popular leader now has the following challenge the approval of the budgets of the Generalitat Valenciana for 2025, for which it will need the support of its former government partners from Vox or – as happened this Thursday – from the PSPV and the nationalists. A priori, Mazón had already anticipated, when Abascal’s party left his coalition, that he would be willing to talk and negotiate with all political forces.
Rigor and legal security with adjustments
The main new features of the decree-law on tourist accommodation, as explained during her appearance in the Valencian Parliament by the Minister of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Nuria Montesthey will contribute “legal certainty» and rigor in organizing the offer of this type of accommodation.
Initially, the declarations must be updated, including the exact address, the unique cadastral reference and the owner of the accommodation, among other information. And the validity of the registration of tourist use will now be five years.
In addition, they difference of others locations of seasonwhose regulation is the responsibility of the State. Specifically, Montes clarified that “it is established that all rentals of 10 days or less are considered tourist rentals and are subject to these regional regulations, while rentals for longer periods are subject to the Urban Lease Law (LAU).”
In this regard, he stressed the fact that “more than 96% of the marketing of tourist accommodation takes place during the holiday season. 10 daysor less” and stressed that this measure “protects against any disproportionate regulation that the Spanish government could impose.”
Another of the measures that it includes among its points is the respect for municipal autonomy to limit this activity and gives the possibility to the town halls to assume the powers of sanction and recovery provided for.
The Tourism official also said that “for avoid THE speculation with tourist residences, the decree-law provides that, in the case of sale or transfer of ownership, lose THE license and the new owner of the property must obtain a new responsible declaration.
The new regulatory text introduces various parameters to improve the quality of the tourist offer. In this way, houses with this use must, in addition to complying with the minimum standards of habitability, certain requirements and services.
A 2% salary increase in the Administration
As for the salary increase of the 2% for the civil servantswhich amends a previous law, the Minister of Finance, Economy and Public Administration, Ruth Merinooutlined the increase for 2024, as well as the criteria required by the State in terms of personnel expenses.
Furthermore, he indicated that this measure is being developed to comply with the framework agreement for a 21st century Administration, signed on October 19, 2022 and for three annual years.
In addition to this measure that comes from the State and that the Generalitat Valenciana assumes and shares, Merino anticipated that it proposed to comply with European regulations and set itself the objective of lower THE temporality in public employment at 8%. For this reason, a statistical plan is being developed which, after a phase of analysis of the current situation, will address structural reforms aimed at improving the efficiency of the operation of the Generalitat.