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Mazón concentrates a third of the more than 60 advisors of the Valencian Government in the Presidency

In the Consell de la Generalitat Valenciana chaired by Carlos Mazón, practically everything goes through the presidency. From relations with the world of business and entrepreneurs, to major events, including civil society. Thus, the highest department of the Consell is also the one with the largest organic structure and the most ramifications, above other superstructures such as the First Vice-Presidency and the Ministry of Social Services, Housing and Equality. The head of the Consell announced on Tuesday the creation of a new office attached to his department to attract large investments, a reformulation of a resource previously allocated to the economy and the European Projects Office launched in 2021, with the left-wing coalition. executive.

This department joins a structure of four regional secretariats, 14 general directorates, the Attorney General’s Office and a battery of offices that depend organically on the presidency. With the reorganization of the Executive after winning the elections, Mazón added to the presidency the powers of transparency, strategic projects, sports and created a department of administrative simplification to “debureaucratize” the public administration, as he explained, with the aim of reducing expenses.

In this context, the Presidency of the Generalitat is by far the department with the most advisors in the Valencian Government. Despite the defense of austerity and the elimination of management positions and temporary staff promoted at the beginning of the legislature, the department headed by Carlos Mazón concentrates a third of the advisory staff of all departments. The popular leader began his term by reducing the number of his advisors, going from 120 to 61, but he has kept more than twenty in his cabinet, such as Ximo Puig. According to the list of jobs in the Generalitat, published last July, just after Vox left the Consell, the Valencian leader has in his cabinet five advisors for general affairs, 18 advisors directly for his affairs, two drivers and a secretary. The rest, about forty advisors, are distributed among the 9 remaining departments.

From the Presidency of the Generalitat, they justify the reduction in the rest of the departments, which represents a saving in the accounts estimated at 13 euros throughout the legislature, and they point out that other departments and functions that previously belonged to other departments have been added. the presidency. Mazón has reduced the departments of the Valencian government to ten and eliminated the management positions of 30 compared to the mandate of the PSPV, Compromís and Unides Podem, under the pretext of reducing the administrative “fat”.

Regarding the new office, which will be attached to the presidency under the orders of an expert, it is a measure that will coordinate the recruitment of projects – which was already underway – with preferential treatment – a new task, they explain, already highlighted in the creation of the figure of projects of regional interest – and will put in the foreground a project manager who carries out individualized work dedicated to strategic investments.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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