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HomeLatest NewsMazón says it was not part of his powers to monitor ITVs...

Mazón says it was not part of his powers to monitor ITVs shareholding

The presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana denies that Carlos Mazón had the power to authorize the sale of the privatized ITV judged in the “Erial case”. In response to the information published by, the department headed by the current leader of the Valencian PP, who was general director of Consumption and Industrial Safety when the Cotino family sold the concessionary companies for 37 million euros and suffered the blow. conspiracy for which former president Eduardo Zaplana was convicted, emphasizes that the sentence “neither cites nor links the current president of the Generalitat to the events of the Erial affair.”

“The subrogation authorization of the ITV was not the responsibility of the General Directorate of Consumer Affairs and Industrial Safety occupied by Carlos Mazón – at that time and for two months -, but of the Secretary General of the Ministry who is the one who signs, as demonstrated by various documents published in the Official Journal of the Generalitat,” indicates the regional government, in response to the information published by this newspaper.

Mazón was appointed general director of the branch two months before the signing of the sale of one of the concessionary companies, the one judged in the Erial case, and according to the organic regulations of the Ministry of Industry, his department was competent in ” authorisation “. , monitoring and control of vehicle technical inspection points”, as published by, based on the documentation of the Generalitat Valenciana. At no point in the plot summary or trial is the current regional president mentioned.

The leader of the PP “does not take any prior administrative decision and does not sign any resolution linking changes in shareholding or economic transactions between companies. Among other things because it was not part of their skills,” underlines his department.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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