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Mazón will sit down with the central government to negotiate the Valencian Concordia law: “We will explain it again”

The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazondefended the Law of Concord of the Valencian Community, approved a few months ago by PP and Vox in Les Cortsand declared himself “convinced” that the government wants to negotiate on this rule “in good faith, without seeking political gain and without the intention of interfering in self-government and full legislative capacity”.

“We are willing to dialogue and explain things,” he declared during a press conference, after the presentation of the campaign on October 9, about the bilateral commission proposed by the Ministry of Politics Territorial and Democratic Memory concerning the Concorde Law.

Mazón, also leader of the PPCV, assured that he was ready to “explain again” to the government, because “perhaps there are people who did not understand it or did not want to understand it”, that this standard seeks to make the “consolidation of acquired rights” compatible with the “protection” of “all victims”.

“The appropriate treatment of all the victims of Francoism is perfectly compatible with the extension of rights to other victims,” he affirmed, defending that the protection and expansion of rights is “the best thing for the coexistence”.

That said, Mazón insisted he would be “happy” to explain it and that he is confident the government is “safe” to offer to negotiate “with the best of intentions.”

When asked if his intention was not to apply changes to the rule and why he thought the PP had refused to apply its law of concord in Castile and León, he reiterated: “I am convinced that the government raises it in good faith and I am sure of it. , as he puts it this way, he will be willing to listen and reason regarding the protection of existing rights and their expansion.

At this point, the head of the Consell argued that “it is worth remembering that if Miguel Ángel Blanco – assassinated by ETA in 1997 – had been born in Castellón, he would not have been declared a victim of political violence” with the previous Democratic Memory Law of 2017, which he considers “an outrage from a Human Rights point of view”, and “with this law yes”.

Government arguments

The Executive of Pedro Sanchez He understands that this regulation “like the one proposed by Aragon, already suspended by the Constitutional Court, invades the powers of the State, breaks the international consensus on the victims of serious human rights violations and does not respect the Spanish Constitution “.

However, they understand that there is a “direct confrontation” between the regional regulations approved by the Valencian Cortes and the Democratic Memory Law of the State of 2022.

They also appreciate the confrontation between the Valencian Concordia law and the principles of public international law, “in which they refer to the right to the truth, the right to reparation and the guarantees of non-repetition, recognized by the victims of serious human rights violations within the United Nations“.

The government reiterates that the article 10.2 of the Constitution underlines that the rules relating to fundamental rights and freedoms recognized by the Spanish Constitution will be interpreted in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international treaties and agreements on the same issues ratified by Spain; “something that does not respect the autonomous law.”

The communication sent set the deadline for accepting or not the dialogue proposal until Monday September 30according to sources from the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory.




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