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HomeLatest NewsMedical and nursing unions study mobilizations to recover reduced additional wages

Medical and nursing unions study mobilizations to recover reduced additional wages

The Nurses Union SATSE and the National Confederation of Medical Unions (CESM) have joined forces to make visible once again the grievance that, 14 years later, the Health professionals maintain additional pay cut of the executive of Rodriguez Zapatero.

The two organizations, which They represent more than 165,000 doctors and more than 230,000 nurses and physiotherapists. In the national health system, let us recall that since Royal Decree-Law 8/2010 of May 20, these groups, as well as the rest of Spanish university graduates in the public sector, have suffered a sharp drop in their salaries.

Since then, they explain in a press release, “only slight increases in other remuneration concepts, which they do not compensate for the reductions at all applied to the value of the basic salary and to the three-year overtime periods, since the linear increases applied to public employees will never compensate for the progressive reductions since 2010.

In concrete terms, in 2024, doctors and other professionals in subgroup A1 will suffer a reduction of 38.29% in the amount of their basic salary and the three-year period of additional salary. This This represents a loss, for each additional payment, of 508.08 euros of basic salary. and 19.54 euros for each of the three years that the professional has consolidated.

For his part, nurses, physiotherapists and other professionals in subgroup A2, a reduction of 27.07% is applied, which means that they lose 310.57 euros with each additional payment in basic salary and 11.28 euros for each consolidated period of three years.

These reductions, made mainly in the additional salaries of doctors and nurses, mean that these professional groups assume approximately 65% ​​of all the reductions made in the additional salaries of public employees of the National Health System, which shows how the reductions are applied progressively, to the detriment of these categories, while the few general salary increases are applied in the same percentage to all categories.

In addition, they represent a loss of purchasing power for doctors and other professionals in subgroup A1 of 24.43%, while nurses and physiotherapists lose 20.10%.

Faced with this situation of grievances which persists over time, CESM and SATSE ask the government that the general state budgets for 2025 strictly comply with the provisions of the applicable legislation and all categories collect the full two additional payments again“as should be usual and it happens with workers in the private sector, especially when health professionals have managed during the covid pandemic to maintain health care at a first level, putting their health, that of their family, and even on many occasions in danger” his life, with more than 200 health professionals deceased.

For all these reasons, the medical and nursing unions believe that sufficient time has passed for this grievance to be corrected and They plan to launch joint protest actions in the coming months. And mobilizations which allow you to fully recover the additional salary which remains reduced after 14 years.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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